7 Reasons why Pregnancy is Harder the Second Time

You would think it would be easier the second time around as you know what you are doing and going through.

reasons why pregnancy is harder the second time

Photo: bies

But no, pregnancy for me has not been easier the second time around, it has been much harder.

I had a really easy pregnancy with Kalyra, I was spoiled. Actually, I really don’t even have it that bad this time, but it has been much harder.

I often think of my friends who have had terrible problems with pre-eclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, preamture babies, horrible sickness and I shut my mouth and try not to complain. I don’t know how they ever managed to cope.

It is such a sacrifice and a total handing over of your body to a little being who needs you more than you need you.

My pregnancy has been harder the second time around for these reasons.

I’m older

From 31 to 35 might not seem like a big age difference, but in terms of pregnancy it is massive. To me it is anyway. I’m a little bit more settled in my ways and so often find the pregnancy can get in the way of things.

I really don’t mean for that to sound as bad as it does, but these are mental issues one has to overcome when having a baby at a slightly older age. Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, my body is not as young as it used to be and so feels things more.

I’m not as healthy and fit

This is totally my fault. I have found staying on top of health and fitness that much harder once I became a mum. So much of my free time got swallowed up, so I sacrificed my health as a result. Bad move. Extremely bad move.

Until Kalyra learned to walk, I would walk with her in the pram for about an hour and a half each day. When I was pregnant with her I would do the same. As soon as she started to walk though that was it, there was no restraining her in her pram any longer.

Out went my health and fitness with it. I am struggling to stay on top of my walking now I am pregnant, which kills me as I know how great it is for preparing for labour. As a result, my breath is more laboured, I have put on more weight this time, and I generally feel lethargic and yuck.

I have a child who demands my attention

“Mummy, just needs to lie down for a minute, She’s really tired and her tummy is sore.”

“No mummy. C’mon I want to play with you.”

There is no rest when you are pregnant the second time around. You just can’t lie down when you are exhausted and you feel as if everything you just ate for the past year is on its way back up…. again.

Your little one can’t understand why you can no longer pick her up and carry her around, or crouch right down to get under the table for that perfect hide and seek hiding spot.

And God help you if they happen to be going through “that stage” while you are pregnant. That is the temper tantrum throwing stage.

I’m a business owner

This is a killer. With getting older and finding myself more, I also discovered a passion that I am turning into a business that zaps all my spare time, and energy. I find myself battling with myself to take a break and relax. This means I’m a little more stressed and so feel the pains a lot more.

My boobs are droopier

Man, I cannot wait until the baby feeds away my boobs that now droop around down to my ankles. I’m convinced that when she sucks them dry they will be that small that droopiness will no longer be a problem.

I swear, boobs should be like crocodiles teeth that get replaced with fresh sharp onces every few years.

My bladder is looser

Let’s just hope a toilet is close by when I need to sneeze of cough.  This the most annoying thing about being pregnant the second time around.

Not to mention the fact that I have to get up through the night and spend all day going to the toilet. My bladder presses down on me in pain and I race to the toilet expecting a waterfall to come bursting out only to be surprised by a trickle.

The Emotions are on a Roller Coaster Ride

Owning a business while balancing working a “job,” financial stresses, dealing with mistakes you’ve made that have put you into a position you hate, and pretty big personal issues are not what you need to be dealing with when you are pregnant.

Pregnancy puts your emotions through the wringer bad enough on its own, but when combined with dealing with everything else it has been extremely tough for me this time. My pregnancy with Kalyra was quite peaceful.

Stress is a silent killer for a reason. Not only does it destroy your mental state, but it can have such an effect on your health. I have been sick constantly through this pregnancy and a lot of it I put down to stress that I have had to deal with.

The tears fall way too often, and I am worried about the effect it may have on my baby. I’ll be happy when she is born, so the craziness of the pregnancy hormones will be gone and I’ll be able to cope with other issues better.

Pregnancy might be harder the second time around due to these 7 reasons. At least I know what’s going to come beating down my door this time when those waters break.

I’m sure childbirth instead, will be easier this time around.

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  • Kelly Exeter

    Hey Caz – what you are describing above is definitely on my mind for the next time I get pregnant. I made sure I was really fit before I got pregnant with #1 – I think that made that pregnancy so much easier. But of course, I am nowhere near that level of fitness now and often wonder how I will go second time round with a toddler, running a business and being less fit to add into the equation!!


    • Caz

      Start gettting fit now! I’ve noticed a huge difference because of it. I’ve been walking about an hour a day for the past week and I have noticed a difference already. I feel just a little bit stronger. I couldn’t imagine how I’d managed being pregnant with a third. Not going to happen anyway 🙂


  • Jacquie

    Hi Caz, I’ve just discovered your blog in the last month via Planning for Kids and I’m really loving it!
    Just wanted to say that I have 3 boys and I spent my last pregnancy totally stressed which then really worried me about how that was going to affect the baby.
    Anyway, he ended up being such a calm, happy, beautiful baby and he was my best sleeper out of the 3. I have no idea how that happened but he survived quite well after all!
    He’s now nearly 4 and is much more boisterous and bossy but I was very grateful that my stress hadn’t rubbed off on him at all.
    Hope all goes well for you. Jacquie.


    • Caz

      Jacquie!! Thank you so much for letting me know that. It really makes me feel better. I worry about it a lot. I hope she can not be affected by my emotions and be just as calm. I would so love a great sleeper!! Thanks for appreciating my blog.


  • bhawna singh

    I am 33 years old andihave ababy boy of six years old .last two years we are. trying. for second baby but. getting no rezult
    all my test are clear .the only problem is PCOD.


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