This Too Shall Pass

I tried to hold onto this thought with every contraction that gripped me into a vice of pain.

“Just 30 seconds, that’s all. You can do it, you’re nearly there. Just one more”

Craig reminded me with every one that it would soon pass. I wouldn’t have made it otherwise. Seems funny saying that, as I don’t really know what else would have happened. No getting out of it really.

You just have to dig deep.

Savannah Makepeace

Only so little for so long

This too shall pass can have those immense feelings of relief that help get you through the bad times, but it can also have those feelings of sadness that the good won’t hang around for long as well.

Those are the moments we have to really wrap up tightly in a warm embrace and love them for every inch of the present moment they stay with us.

I understand that more now with Savannah then I did with Kalyra.

I know that the way she holds her legs up like a frog will soon pass as she learns to enjoy her new space outside of my womb. So I know that I must delight in it every time I change her nappy.

I hold her long, flat, tiny feet up and kiss them all over. I know that soon they’ll grow and will no longer besot me.

The way she roots around with her floppy little head to find my tender nipple, will soon pass as she learns to find it with her eyes. I laugh as she often mistakes her tiny hand for the portal to her dinner and shoves it in her mouth to suck.

And my heart fills with love as I teasingly put my cheek to her mouth for a baby-rooting kiss. Those kisses are divine. 

That little baby, barely-audible wail will soon pass and turn into full-fledged three year old tantrums that make my skin crawl. For now I let her music fill me with joy instead.

Every day my little baby is growing into something more, and while I love the more that she grows into, I love so much the little baby that she is right now.

It breaks my heart to let one go, but I am overjoyed for the arrival of the other.

This too shall pass.

Understand it, and every moment becomes sacred and beautiful.

posted in: Daily Life
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    • Caz

      Thanks Elise! i think travel helps you realize this too shall pass as well! Make each moment count


  • MummyK

    Congratulations!!! So lovely!!


  • Nancy from Family on Bikes

    Absolutely beautiful! I remember those days when my twins were little. Sometimes I wish I could that back…


  • Lisa Wood

    They do grow so very fast! I remember having my first baby like it was yesterday, and yet he is already 17! Amazing with how fast they grow, enjoy those gorgeous little feet and that beautiful baby smell 🙂

    Gorgeous post and photos – thanks for sharing.



    • Caz

      Thanks Lisa. I am enjoying my little baby girl. She is just so delightful.


  • Veronica @ Mixed Gems

    My baby turned 6 months about the day Savsnnah was born (btw, a lovely name and meaning). Your post is a timely reminder about treating every moment as sacred. It does go so fast. I blinked and the newborn phase was gone. At least with my first, it was all new and unexpected so it seemed to last just that bit longer. What a blessing, is a baby.


    • Caz

      A baby is such a blessing. They just remind you of what is so wholesome and pure about life and just that it is so sacred.


    • Caz

      I feel like it is already She has put on half a kilo.


  • Becky

    Lovely post – every moment of life is precious, even if we don’t know it at the time.


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