It Just happened
It just happened.
Just like that.
Without any intervention or training on my behalf.
In fact, I decided a few weeks ago to just let it go. Stop worrying and just do what felt right at the moment.
Cuddles, taps, rocks, dummies and the acceptance that it would sort itself out when it was ready.
And then ready came.
One day we had fussing and five minute cap naps after we’d tried to get her to sleep for ages. We thought she had become dependent on the Baby Bjorn after she slept so snugly in it all day whilst touring Rotorua.
Then the next day, I saw the yawn and knew it was time.
I picked her up, wrapped her, popped her in the cot, put on some Mozart, and a kiss on the head
“Sleepy time now. Mummy loves you. I’ll see you soon,” thinking that soon would be in five minutes.
And then it happened.
No fussing, now squealing.
I tip toed in and the angel lay sleeping.
I wanted to wake her up to tell her how clever she was.
She slept, longer than five minutes, longer than 20. In fact she almost made the hour.
And then again for her next nap, the same thing.
And she has been doing it ever since.
She didn’t need my plans and strategies and stresses. She worked it out for herself, because she is so clever.
The afternoons and witching hour aren’t so great and we need a little extra cuddle times.
This afternoon she was tired whiny and I thought for sure I would have to flop out the boob to get her to sleep.
I grew tired of her overtired squirming and popped her in the cot, just to see.
She quieted immediately and put herself to sleep.
I walked out high fiving the air.
She’s a Friggin genius.
Did sleep just happen like that with your baby?
Kelly @LifeOptimist
lucky! Sometime around 4 months, my dude started sleeping for about an hour at a time. Before that….whew boy! At 22 months, he suddenly started sleeping through the night finally, without any help. We do still nurse and rock him to sleep though but at least now he stays down!
Kelly Exeter
Hurrah!!! As you know, I kinda ‘made’ Jaden sleep. But all I know is – however you get them to sleep (or however they get themself to sleep) – when they do it, it is a beautiful thing!!
Self Settling Savannah Sleeping Soundly!!!!!!!!!
LOVE it!! My greatest parenting moment ever!!!