What do You Want?

So we have returned from New Zealand, (boo hiss) and as always on a return from travel, I have mixed emotions, mostly made up of slightly depressed material.

I have an unbelievable pile of work to get through, which is one of the problems with travel and blogging, it is a challenge to do both at the same time.

As always after a trip we spend time internalizing our experiences and what this means for our blogs and from that decide on how we can do things better.

I really enjoy my space here on Mojito Mother. But, in order to move forward, I need to be thinking about what you enjoy about the space here.

Why do you come and read my blog?

The reason I want to know the answer to this is so that I can offer more of the things you come here for. I want this to be a place not just for me, but for you also.

The topics I usually write here have to do with day to day parenting issues as well as some things about success and mindset. A bit of travel thrown in and commentary on blogging.

What do you find most worthwhile? What would you like to see more of/ less of? What else could I do that I don’t already?

Don’t forget I have a newsletter, podcast and fan page which you can also tell me what you would like to see more of through those channels.

As one of our favourite sayings is

Help me to help you

Don’t be shy now, please jump out and let me know. I can take good or bad feedback (as long as its gentle and constructive 🙂 )


posted in: Blogging, Daily Life
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  • loulou

    Hi Miss Caz – I find it useful to see bullet list tips with posts.

    and; small but professional + upbeat vlog entries, for you they could be a reader question answer session once a week. This is the way I am hoping to go one day.

    have a wonderful day

    loulou, hereiamloulou blog



    • Caz

      Great suggestion Lisa! Thanks so much for letting me know.


  • Elise

    Hi Caz,

    I really enjoy reading about simple everyday things-what you’ve been up to…how each day made you feel…basically the ups and downs of life. I like connecting with people and know that we all have our good and bad days.


    • Caz

      Awesome! Thanks for letting me know!


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