Podast Episode: 9 Ways to Clear the Crap from Your Life

Are you tired of being overwhelmed and overburdened by tasks that pile up around you, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t clear a path towards what you really want and should be doing?

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Clearing a path

I know how you feel. It took me a visit to the hospital to wake up and realize that I was trying to do way too much and it was bringing me undone.

The beginning of this year has set the wheels in motion for me to clear the crap from my life and free up some energy space, so I can focus on what is most important.

  1.  Health
  2.  Family
  3.  My purpose

Listen to the podcast to hear the 9 ways I am clearing the crap from my life.

I will talk about

  1. Removing yourself from neegative environments
  2. Shutting down social spaces
  3. Reducing your email checking
  4. Getting back to pen and paper
  5. Going to bed early
  6. Getting up early and using focus time
  7. Saying no
  8. Watching your diet
  9. Decluttering
Your Turn to Share Tips:

How are you clearing the crap from your life?

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  • Nicky Singh

    Hi Caz, my husband and I moved to India one year to do exactly what you are talking about, clear at the crap from our lives. It hasn’t been easy though, I have faced many challenges here, just in a different form. However I have thought about what is important to me and what it is that I would like to do with my life. I now know that a house full of fancy furniture and a nice car isn’t it…. I would like to travel and experience other cultures, so that’s what we have decided to do.

    Nicky Singh


    • Caz

      Awesome Nicky!! Sounds like you have chosen life experiences over stuff. A very wise choice and even though there will be challenges there at least you know that you are not bound by your possessions. I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic time


  • Jill

    Cull ruthlessly!!
    When my lapotop broke recently, I suddenly had so much more time on my hands LOL! I went thru the whole house and got rid of at least a quarter of our stuff. Far out it felt great. And made a bit of space for the new baby too.
    Caz, I was pregnant at much the same time as you, and have really enjoyed reading along with your story


    • Caz

      I’ve had great things happen to me before when my lap top broke! So great to get disconnected. Thank you Jill! How much longer do you have to go?


  • Jill

    He’s 9 months now, i was bursting at the seams when you had morning sickness… Both equally unpleasant!
    Now he’s delightful, makes it all worth it.


    • Caz

      Ah that’s right. I thought you were but something in your comment made me think differently. It is such a joy and so so worth it. I don’t think I can have any more though 🙂


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