Mojito Mother is revamping on a schedule

If you have read my blogs for a while you will know that organization is not my strong point and I abhor a schedule.

You’ll also know that I am a firm believer in the power of change and we should never label ourselves because who we are can change too easily, and we should let it.

I’ve been sitting on what to do with Mojito Mother for a while. Just letting it simmer in the Universe as to how to evolve or ramp it up. I always had the idea of what I wanted to do, but just wasn’t doing it too well.

I think it had to do with not having a plan or schedule. I’ve discovered lately from having deadlines over at Kidspot, I actually work pretty well to schedules. I find it so much easier to have it mapped out what I will be writing about rather than trying to just grab anything from thin air.

The nature of my nomadic life does make it a little tricky to follow the schedule, but I have managed with Kidspot. (Probably because I am getting paid for it!!)

This past week was massive for me in terms of making decisions and putting a life plan into action. I’ve been so excited by so many other things going on and then the other day as I was getting dressed The Universe planted in my mind what I have to do with Mojito Mother.

Seemed so simple and easy. I guess I wasn’t ready before to figure it out. Or, as I wrote in last week’s Heart Centre post, I thought I couldn’t.

new Mojito Mother schedule

I’m planning the day

So my new schedule will run as follows:

Magic Monday Tips

I have been really tapping into my inner mojo and the mafic of the Universe lately. It is really exciting to see what can happen when you do this. Every Monday I will be sharing some tips and strategies you can apply to bring the mojo back. (It’s pretty simple too, no spells needed). I hope to be sharing resource used and people who inspire me as well. Anything to do with magic!

Tuesday: Empowering Podcast

I am going to bring it back and aim to have one published every Tuesday. Now bear with me while I get myself back into this. It might take a few weeks as I have the Problogger Conference in Melbourne this week and a couple of travel things following. Let’s aim for three weeks for the first episode. I’ll be interviewing inspirational people again and talking all about empowerment.

Saturday: Getting to know…

I haven’t thought of a name yet, but will soon. On Saturday’s now we’ll be getting to know someone else in the world, via interviews. They’ll be fun questions to help us delve deeper into people we just want to know more about. Let me know if you are up for interview or want to hear from someone. These will be in written form, unlike my podcast interviews.

Sunday: Gratitude and Happiness

This segment will continue as normal. It is so important that we spend time (every day) in gratitude for all the wonderful things that are happening in our life. The more you focus on this the more good things will happen. A lot of the time we feel we shouldn’t celebrate our successes because of how it might make others feel. I believe we need to let our own light shine, in order to give other people the permission to do the same. Life is far too good not to celebrate it.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

These will be the mixed bag days. They will consist of posts that just arise in my head, sharing things I love, sponsored posts and Craig’s In the House segment. I think he will be sharing his thoughts soon on losing his manhood. (Like all of us who have gone through childbirth care!! :))

And that is it. See simple isn’t it?

Now my biggest fear is not delivering on this. Bear with me while I get it up and running and give me lots of encouragement to keep it moving forward.

I am new at this organized scheduling thing, but I think I might just be able to do it.

P.S almost forgot. I will have a new design in a couple of months (Yes they take a long time.) So far it is looking hot!! I love our designer, she is rocking the house. y Travel Blog is smick and should be launching soon!

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Any suggestions for me? Thoughts on how this will go?

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  • Wanderlust

    Caz, this is great! You know, I’m reading a book right now on intuition and applying what I read to my writing, among other things. I love how the idea to do this just ‘popped into your head’! Kismit. I have a couple of ideas for new series for my blog and I too, worry about my ability to keep them up (hmmm…wonder if there’s a connection between lack of organization and wanderlust?!). Good for you. x


    • Caz Makepeace

      I think there is a connection for sure!! I’m learning more now to just let the answer pop. The perfect answer always comes. Thank you so much for your email as well. I haven’t had a chance to reply yet but it meant a lot.


  • Keryn @ walking on travels

    Oh organization, you are a tricky beast! Personally I would be lost without my iCal with all the different color labels telling me what I am writing for who and when. I’m actually hoping to nail down a more manageable schedule for myself once we get back from our trip to Europe in November. The problem with us moms is that we have so many amazing things floating through our heads but only so much time to do them… That is if we want to sleep, which I don’t seem to be doing lately either way. Ill be keeping an eye on all your changes. Can’t wait to see the new site designs. Let me know if you need an interviewee. Would love to be a part of your series!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Okay what is an iCal? Seems like something I need but I am sure it has to do with Apple so once againn I will remain in the uncool club!! I must make the switch. Sleep is a big issue with me. I long for the day it comes back


      • Keryn @ walkingon travels

        yup. iCal is a Mac thing, but Google Calendar would probably work just as well. One day we will sleep again…or so they tell me. Ha!


  • katepickle

    Oh I am not a ‘schedule’ person either… but I have found that I do like rhythm and routine, with a little flexibility thrown in!

    I sat down and did the same as you a couple of years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for my blog and for my related stress levels. I have a rough rhythm of what I will post each day so if I sit down and think ‘what will I post about’ I at least have a starting point. It has also helps me get a little ahead every now and then, or at least it helps me to know where I am heading which actually seems to help me when things are busy or I am away from the blog.

    But all this is dosed with a huge helping of flexibility. If something comes up and I don’t post about food/home on a Monday I am ok with that… oh and also like you I have some more ‘open’ or ‘random’ days which gives me room to breathe and go with the whole free spirit thing.

    Anyway this long waffle has all been to say that this balance has worked really well for me and I hope it does the same for you!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Sounds exactly like me Kate. I think I can make it work if I have that flexibilty thrown in there. Having the set series I think will be really helpful for my scattered brain.


  • Cybele Masterman

    Can’t wait. It all looks amazing. No doubt you’ll be doing something sassy with Saturdays x


  • Kathy

    Very organised. And I’m sure you are far more organised than you give yourself credit for.


    • Caz Makepeace

      Only in bits and pieces. I struggle quite a bit, but am improving


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