Mojo Magic Tip- take long walks in nature

Karon Beach Phuket Thailand beaches

This is the one thing I miss the most being a parent. Long walks with young children just don’t work like they used to.

I still try to do it as much as I can, either without the kids or with some weird parenting juggle.

Far too much of our day is spent being taken away from nature: behind computer screens, trapped in the office, driving, or stuck on public transport.

We are not giving our bodies enough of the natural contact they need. Nature provides us with the purest form of energy. We need energy for everything. We need pure energy to create magic.

Remember the higher your vibrational energy the more magic you can create– you will just naturally attract it to you.

So get out in nature and raise your attractor factor.

Taking a long walk gives you that added extra boost too because it helps you unwind, process your day, solve any problems and exercise your body. It’s giving back to your whole self, using the power of nature.

Think about how you can incorporate it more into your life. Can you walk to work or the shops? Can you rise an hour earlier to go outside and start your day in an invigorating way? Head straight to the beach, the park, the lake after work?

Even if it’s only 15 mins it will help

If you can kick off your shoes and allow your feet to absorb the energy from the ground. We gotta touch the earth more.

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Where's your favourite place to take long walks in nature?

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  • Sandra

    I cannot agree with you enough! I took a day seminar on Meditation once and we were all required to take our shoes off and go sit on the grass to Meditate . . it was magic. We live close enough to the beach these days and so take every opportunity to go barefoot with the kids on the beach and paddle in the water, even on a cool day. :o)


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