The I Quit Sugar Diet and eBook
For those of you who read my Sunday Gratitude and Happiness post (I’m sure that is all of you RIGHT??) you will notice that I am a big fan of Sarah Wilson.
I first heard her speak at the Problogger conference last October and now I have a major crush. She is a strong, independent woman who is also gentle and humble. And she is gorgeous.
I’ve known about her I Quit Sugar eBook for some time, but have been ignoring it. I am an advocate for cutting out sugar of your diet, but I could not get my head around the no fruit thing.
My way of thinking has been that it grows so abundantly in nature and is filled with so many other nutritional benefits, apart from the fructose. The biggest reason I have stuck to the how-can-this-be-good mentality is because of the Asian diet.
Asians eat fruit.
They have the longest life span and in some parts have no incidence of heart disease, diabetes and don’t even have nursing homes because their elderly are so fit and vibrant.
I am a major fan of this way of eating (see Dr. Tickell’s diet) as well, because I lived in Thailand and have spent a lot of time in Asia. Each time I feel fantastic eating their diet, my skin glows, I lose weight and I feel light.
I’ve just returned from two weeks in Thailand and again, I felt so healthy.
I read an article from Sarah discussing her stance on fruit and why it is a no no – in big doses. I understood what she was saying and if I stopped to think about it, I would say Asians eat way more vegetables, nuts and rice than fruit.
I eat way more vegetables, nuts and rice than fruit.
On further introspection I realized I don’t really like fruit a whole lot (except for mangoes). Before I started juicing I would leave fruit in the bowl to go off, and even my juices have more vegetables.
After seeing a few tweets about the I quit Sugar ebook I decided to purchase it.
Why I brought the I Quit Sugar eBook
My main reason being is that I need to find some really great recipe ideas.
I have a confession to make. And it falls under that Sometimes I am a really shitty parent category.
I am not as strict with the girl’s diet as I am with mine. Imagine that.
I find it a constant battle, so I often reach for the quick and easy solution.
Also, I have so many outside influences who don’t share the same dietary views as me and I am tired of always battling against them when it comes to my children. I know I know – Mother of the Year quite often goes to me!
Because my girls have been trained to like sugar so much, I am keen to give them the sweet stuff that has no sugar in it. I know Sarah’s book has lots of ideas and recipes for this.
I have also developed a deep love for coconut.
I smothered my insides with it when in Thailand, I am now smothering my outsides with coconut oil. Sarah uses a lot of coconut.

The elixir of life
So I brought the book with the intention to follow it as much as I can and maybe reduce my fruit intake. I was worried, as I am seriously not a person who can handle diets and strict regimes.
My spirit hates being put in a box.
I prefer lifestyle changes that arise because of a deep seated belief this is the healthiest choice for me (I am failing to come up with that in regards to wine!)
I loved reading Sarah describing the I quit Sugar diet as a “let’s just see” approach without any pressure to commit.
She also said she doesn’t believe in diets and restricting thinking. That you move gently through the diet and know that you are doing this purely because it might make you feel better.
I was happy.
I am not doing this to lose weight. I am happy with how I have managed to do that the past year by changing my lifestyle choices. These habits make me feel clean and healthy and they never felt painful when it came time to forming them.
I am doing this to have alternatives.
Where I stand with sugar intake?
After moving through the first chapters of the I quit sugar eBook, I felt really happy.
I don’t have a problem with sugar. I actually rarely have it.
I cook the majority of my meals and I never add sugar. On a rare occasion, I will have honey, but it is a small sliver either in porridge or a coffee that is too bitter. And I mean small slither because I can’t handle much of it.
I rarely use any products that have hidden sugar in them, and thanks to Sarah’s eBook I have learned a few that I did not know about.
I rarely eat processed foods and I never make cakes or sweet things–mostly because I am a terrible baker, but often because I’m just not that into them.
Now that I have gone gluten free, I have taken a lot of extra sugar out of my diet.
My only problem is the fruit. And even then it would not be any more than 2-3 servings a day.
My challenges with the I Quit Sugar diet
I have a problem with eating out, only because I have a highly nomadic life. Now that I am more aware, I will be working to make better choices– there are just not that many around. I’m also pescatarian.
When I told my mother I was now gluten and dairy free, she wondered what on earth I was now going to eat.
Hey guess what Mum? I’m now sugar free.
We go there every Monday for dinner and she brought a gluten free cookbook to help give her ideas! Now I can share the I Quit Sugar cookbook with her.
Welcome to the world of really good eating Mum!
The biggest issue for me will be the cost of eating healthy foods and the time needed to prepare the meals and snacks.
I think most working parents would have the same issue. When your time and finances are stretched to the limit, you tend to reach for whatever is easiest and that usually involves a lot of sugar.
I’m going to make a huge effort to defeat this monster and research and report back to you easy, quick recipes I discover and ways to reduce the costs.
I Quit Sugar: The first week
This week it is all about becoming aware of the use of sugar in my life and starting to reduce. I am slowly working my way through Sarah’s I Quit Sugar eBook and her cookbook to get a feel for the recipes and the lifestyle changes.
I am slowly stocking the cupboards with the ingredients and need to head to Costco for some bulk buying. I love Sarah’s tips on freezing as a way to store and reduce costs.
I’m cutting back on the fruit in my morning juice.
I’m trying a few new recipes. I failed miserably with a gluten free, sugar free pancake. (I am a pretty lousy cook)
But, I rocked the house with this one and has to be one of the yummiest lunches I have had in a while.
Simple: gluten-free buckwheat crackers, avocado spread, haloumi cooked on the grill with sardines on top.
My obsession with coconut continues and last night I roasted vegetables in coconut oil, which were simply orgasmic. Rocking my socks just as much was the kale I stir fried in coconut oil and garlic.
Disclaimer: The links to the ebook are affiliate
Have you tried the I Quit Sugar diet?
Please leave tips and handy resources below
It sounds like we share a similar philosophy when it comes to nutrition Caz. I have to admit that one of the reasons I’m resistant to the ‘no sugar’ diet is that my kids are anti-veges (aside from raw carrots and broccoli) but they love fruit and it makes ME feel better that they are at least eating something in it’s natural state.
The good news is that 2 out of three will now have a daily green smoothie or juice with me. Baby steps right?
Caz Makepeace
Yeah, I am really struggling with it Kirri. I’ve really noticed this past week just how much fruit they eat!! I’ve been packing carrot and celery sticks for Kalyra’s lunch and she is liking that. I also made some avocado and coconut ice creams last night (very quick and easy) so we’ll see if she’ll eat that this afternoon.
I think baby steps are the way to go.
Johanna at ZigaZag
Admire all the lifestyle changes you’ve made, Caz. It’s not easy. I’m going to try your lunch recipe above which looks like it doesn’t require too much time or preparation but is tasty and healthy. Maybe need a bit more of a nudge on the quitting sugar, not because of cakes, but because of mangoes, apples and wine (maybe not always in that order!).
Caz Makepeace
Totally agree Jo. They are my biggest challenges. I’m not going to stress too much about it and it is so hard with the girls because fruit is so easy and they love it.
But, I found out through the book that wine is A-OKAY!!! YAy. Apparently the sugar is burned off or something. I could never give that up. And I’m going to try swapping my tonic for soda water with my G & T so all sorted on the alcohol side of things 🙂
I admire you Caz. I’ve no idea where you find the time to sustain all the fab projects/ websites and children! Do you have a Harry Potter esq stop watch? If so where can I purchase one?!!!
I am also of the ‘eat fruit and natural sugars’ school of thought but it is interesting to hear how you’ve (almost!) been converted. I’ll be looking into Sarah’s work and will read with interest.
Avocado and coconut ice creams? !! These I can get on board with – do you use a particular recipe?
Caz Makepeace
Funny I was munching on one as I was reading this comment. They were quite nice, although I needed a bit more sweetener in it!! I follow the recipe in Sarah’s book. It’s lime, coconut cream and avocado with chia seeds a tblspoon of rice malt syrup and a pinch of salt.