A quick check in
I am still here in blogging land. Just wanted to check in with a really quick post, which is about all I can manage at the moment!
My lack of posting around here of late. I am working on fixing that. This little thing called time got in the way. Here’s what has been slowing things down.
- Sick children. Savannah had a stomach bug for a week. Kalyra got taken down with it for a day
- Mummy was wiped out for a day as well
- Sick relative
- Trip to Tasmania (follow y travel for the stories)
- My mum and dad who decide to have a life gallivanting across the country with Dad playing cricket for Australia. How dare they? Don’t they know they have grandchildren to mind!!! Since when did parenting stop! (just joking btw. I am STOKED with how they have always inspired me to embrace a dream :))
- A trip to Port Douglas (LOVE- possibly found new Australian hometown)
- Crazy work load
- Studying for B-School
- and just life.

Loving Port Douglas
It’s not looking great for the next couple of weeks as I will be in and out on trips. Next week I will be participating in a race around Australia with Tourism Australia and their brand T-Qual and 2 other bloggers. It will be hosted by Matt Moran and possibly featured in the media with interviews.
Hopefully I’ll be able to post a few things out this week before I leave! Thanks for sticking with me.
What is going on in your world? Please share with me
I know, how dare babysitters have a life? Would love to hear more about Port Douglas. Have just booked to go there in July so it’s right up there on my radar. I can’t wait.
Hope you’re all well now.
Caz Makepeace
Port Douglas is so beautiful. It has such a happy, peaceful energy. July will be beautiful and you can swim in the water without any worries. We’ll have a lot of posts coming up on the travel blog.
I found your article on flying Air Asia via a link on pinterest. Thanks for the very fair, but honest review. From what I read (by you), there’s no way I’d fly with them. I like common courtesy and kindness. Some of my best experiences have been flying with Virgin Air. British Air is OK, but was once better; I think they’ve become too Americanised (meaning service has worsened) with few of the niceties once expected. They are big on bossing passengers around now (security being the excuse), treating travellers like children, poor food choices and portions and squeezing every penny out of you for anything. And no silverware, too.
I also wanted to say that I liked your photograph on that page. Australians are beautiful and healthy-looking (you and your family). The pictures on this blog make one want to live there. I look forward to reading more. All the best to you & yours. http://www.pinterest.com/freeulsterman