Gratitude and happiness

Whitehaven Beach
Trip to the Whitsundays
We stretched our boundaries, got to know one another better, had shit-loads of laughter, drank too much wine, and was stunned by the beauty that is the Whitsundays. Man I LOVE Queensland. It just keeps getting better and better. See more photos here
Making progress on our ultimate goal
We’re finally making progress on our ultimate goal–the vision we have had for our blog since we began. Persistence pays off eventually. We’ve had so many setbacks and rejections at times we thought of quitting. Thank God we didn’t. Excited to see where the next month takes us.
Sharing our secret
Last week, Craig wrote a powerful post on y Travel Blog, I want to know your secret. I was really proud of him and it was immensely popular. It was also heart-wrenching for us.
But now I feel quite free. He spilled the secrets behind our success–and it’s not luck. Truly. Read the post and see. You’ll discover how the past 5 years we lost everything, and I mean close to half a million dollars. By the hand of our own stupidity as well. It’s been a bloody hideous five years but our passion for what we do and hard work has turned it around.
What I loved so much was the supportive community responding to the post. Something we have been so ashamed about for years gave people hope and inspiration. I think I was able to release the shame and pain a little. Deepest deepest gratitude.
Family travel video
This is why I travel with my kids!
Featured in That’s Life
We made the cover even! A short story of our travel life was written in this week’s edition of That’s Life.
Savannah starting to talk
My little munchkin is a late talker, but it is because she has always been a brilliant communicator and did not need her words. She also is not a person who is in a rush to achieve, she has the attitude of it will happen when it happens, whereas Kalyra is my gung ho girl. She’s always striving and hitting those goals before anyone else. It’s so funny that their births reflected those two characters!!
Anyway Savvy is chatting away and delighting herself and everyone else with her words. She is so darn cute. Don’t our babes have the sweetest voices when they first start talking.
Song of the Week Pompeii by Bastille
Are you a crap friend? I am. by Laney from Crash Test Mummy
Debunking the myth about blogging and stats by Kim from Working Women Australia
Laney | Crash Test Mummy
I just loved the photos you took in the Whitsundays. Coming from NZ that is what I thought the whole of Australia would be like when I was a kid. I’ve travelled quite a lot around Australia now, but have never been up there. One day!
Thanks for sharing my post too Caz, much appreciated 🙂
Caz Makepeace
Pleasure Laney! You must get up to the Whitsundays. You’ll love it. I can’t wait to go back