Win a $1,000 holiday and help Ketut and Rhonda find love

Okay, so I was a little embarrassed when my friend emailed me and started talking about Rhonda and Ketut and I knew exactly the love story she was talking about.

How does that happen? It’s a pretty clever marketing campaign and I’m sure you know exactly what I am talking about too.

Well poor Ketut looks as if his heart is about to be broken, with the spunky arrival of the old high school flame, Trent. I just don’t know about him. I think Ketut is a little spicier so I’m hoping Rhonda comes to her senses soon.

The only time, I’ve ever ever been so involved in a love story like this before has been on the shores of Summer Bay.  And we all know why I’m Team Brax all the way there.

Anyway, I’ll find any excuse to divert over to the River Boys. Let’s get back to Ketut and Rhonda.

Rhonda and Katut

So that infographic took me direct to Ketut. Where did you end up?

You can hear more of the Insider story at and vote for Who’s right for Rhonda website here

I am excited to be talking about Ketut and Rhonda, because it means I can give away a $1,000 holiday to one of you! (That’s a $1,000 voucher from Flight Centre)

Team Katut travel voucher

I’m currently enjoying our #yTravelOz road trip with my family. Even though we have the kidlets with us, and will do for a very long time, Craig and I still manage to steal away a few hot like a sunrise moments too. There is nothing better than escaping the normalcy of life to travel with those you love. So take up the opportunity now to win a voucher to help you create the travel experience you love.

You don’t have to have a family, or partner, to enter this competition. You might get as lucky as Rhonda on your romantic trip.

Hot like a sunrise!

It’s real simple to enter.

All you have to do is tweet the following.

“I’m on #TeamKetut with @MojitoMother because [insert your individual response]”

To make it even easier, just click here to tweet it. (Don’t forget to add in your response though)

The competition will finish on October 21, with the most creative answer to receive their own ‘hot like a sunrise’ holiday’.

Disclaimer: I receive a travel voucher for promoting this competition

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Are you following the Ketut and Rhonda love story too?

posted in: Daily living, Travel
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  • Robomum

    What a fun giveaway! This was the title of one of my previous blog posts. I’ve been following this from the beginning. Team Ketut all the way!!


  • Kelly Arndt

    Oh, yes! I’m a sucker for a love-over-30 love story!


  • Lisa Wood

    Laney – we are the same, we don’t have a TV in our Motorhome so I have never ever heard of the story! but after doing the above Quiz I do like the sound of Team Katut 🙂


  • Julia Mason

    I’ve tweeted on twitter, don’t know if or where to post, thanks!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Just the tweet is all you need. Thank you and good luck!


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