What I hope for you this 2014

  • You increase your net worth.
  • You evaluate and celebrate at the end of every day, rather once a year.
  • You create the life your soul really wants you to live.
  • You laugh every day.
  • You worry less.
  • You work out clever ways to overcome your challenges
  • You travel more.
  • You put down the endless chores and pick up your favourite hobby more.
  • You find time for you.
  • You focus more on how divine your children are, rather than how much they drive you crazy.
  • You dance like no one is watching.
  • You speak your mind with love more.
  • You say kind words about others, both in their presence and from behind closed doors.
  • You only do tasks that serve you.
  • You remove the poisons from your life.
  • You declutter and find peace in minimalism.
  • You find awe in the magic that surrounds you every day.
  • You clap the sun each night as it sets
  • You rise to greet the sun and harness some of its power to create a superb day.
  • You form new friendships
  • You deepen old ones.
  • You hug and kiss more than you argue.
  • You fill your mind with positive, inspiring stories rather than depressing , hateful news.
  • You learn to lead your own life.
  • You follow those who are where you want to be.
Your Turn to Share Tips:

What are you hoping?

posted in: Inspiration
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    • Caz Makepeace

      Thank you! Did you see the segment on A current affair tonight on house swapping? I thought of you. It might be online if you missed it.


      • carolyn russell

        Hey Caz, thanks and wishing these things and more back to you.

        I missed it on TV but caught it on their site, a really good explanation of the concept, how it works, who swaps and why.

        I hope you guys have settled into Melbourne, it you have a moment in your busy schedule and think the girls would like a play date, let me know maybe we could meet in a park. We are off on the 10th however for three weeks in Torquay (lets hope we get some decent weather), we have a Canadian home swap couple coming in while we are away – if our place was empty while we were away it would have been yours!


  • Kathy

    Lovely list Caz – wishing those things back at you and adding ‘you find the beauty in balance’. X


  • Laney | Crash Test Mummy

    I hope to find my health! It’s pretty much all I ask for in 2014, yet I’m the only one who can deliver it!


    • Caz Makepeace

      So true Laney! I’ve spent the day in detox cursing myself for not taking care of myself more. I feel crap as all the crap oozes out! If only I was living in Melbourne we could be primal paleo buddies


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