Hitting the road Jack – a month of travel starts today

Today I am hyper-stressed like I am any departure morning.

I feel like I am going to vomit and my heart is racing at a level that I don’t appreciate.

We are leaving for a month of travel and I am, as usual, no where organized. We are far too used to travel to organize things weeks in advance. We tend to do it all morning of or evening before, which is why I am feel like I am having a heart attack.

But, I know everything works out in the end and this evening while I am having a glass of wine with my sister at the first road trip stop I will be happy and in love with my life once more.

I have grandiose plans of blogging on the road, and I did plan to have four weeks worth of posts ready.

We know how that goes with two children.

So hopefully I won’t disappear, but I’ll be very active on facebook, instagram (mojitomother) and twitter both here and on y travel blog. So come follow the fun!

Want to find out where we’re going come check out our travel plans

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  • Melissa - The Mellyboo Project

    I’m looking forward to all your updates on the road Caz 🙂 Have an amazing time and cherish the memories you make with your family 🙂


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