The blogging roller coaster ride

Blogging roller coaster

Hold on!

You want to start blogging?

You might as well throw your hands up in the air now and let out your hair raising scream now, because you have just jumped on the biggest roller coaster ride of your life.

Filled with dips, turns, sidewinders and loop the fucking loops.

And when you are flying around those corners at break neck speeds you literally feel as if your head is going to be clean taking off by the wall that is looming up beside it.

Who needs frigging theme parks?

Sometimes I wonder if I am slipping into dangerous emotive states that swing from high to low; but the next loop arrives, the adrenalin comes rushing in and I remember that I’m just on the funnest, yet scariest ride every invented.

I am pretty tired of the constant motion at high speeds and wanting to vomit. I kinda wish for the more peaceful, steady It’s a small world after all ride.

You know the one that annoyingly gets stuck in your head and you drift along all goo gah at the world, but pretty soon the happy tunes and the drifting bores you and you beg to get back on the roller coaster.

Yep today blogging sucks for me. I’m tired and overwhelmed and over doing all the little shitty tasks that comes with it. I could list a novel of all the things I hate about it today.

But, yesterday, I spent the day on Palm Beach filming with Expedia as their chosen travel expert. Home and Away was behind me filming and I saw Heath’s guns in the flesh (smoking hot!).

Yesterday I thought life was good, blogging rocked and I was so blessed.

Today I want to throw the computer at the verb. Can you even do that?

And close psychotic rant

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Is it just me or is this blogging thing the scariest mother fucking ride on the planet?

posted in: Blogging, Featured
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  • Kathy

    Hey Caz – hope today is better! Yin and yang I reckon – the boring things make the good things possible and also make the good things seem so much better. As long as the boring job stuff is still contained within the dream I reckon the ride is worth it. I’m a bit of a sop but I really like the ‘its a small world ride’ although as a newbie to blogging I’m doing the blogging rollercoaster ride pretty much blindfolded!


    • Caz Makepeace

      You are so right Kathy! Actually the blindfolded part is probably what we are all doing. It’s funny when people ask how did you do this, most of the time I say I have no idea. One thing I got from a lot of the speakers at Problogger was that they felt the same. They had no idea what they were doing or what direction they were moving in, they just followed the passion and took small action steps and then ended up in a great place! I keep holding onto that!


  • Andrea

    That’s so awesome Caz – congrats and well-done!! =)


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