Walk for a cure in the Domain
For Mother’s Day we spent the day in the Domain with Craig’s family walking for a cure for breast cancer. Craig’s Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at the start of this year.
Thankfuly, due to early diagnosis, they got it when it was really small and in the early stages. She was operated on and all is fine. She has to have chemo to ensure it won’t return. It’s knocking her around a bit as you would expect. She’s a bloody trooper though. So amazingly strong and positive about the whole situation. She just put her head down and said, “Right, let’s do what we have to do and get rid of this sucker.”
And she did.
It was a beautiful day in Sydney and spending the morning walking through the Domain was just wonderful. How beautiful is this city? I never grow tired of how pretty she is.
The kids had a fantastic time and they all made the 4km walk with us. Savannah had a ball and politely lined up next to the cupcake tin when it was all over awaiting her reward. We finished the day with a picnic in the Botanical Gardens.
It was a lovely Mother’s Day.

Contemplating the walk

At the starting line

Beautiful St Mary’s Cathedral

The super babes

My mother in-law

Savannah joins in with enthusiasm

Superheros have time for cape crusading

Where’s the Opera House?

Gorgeous trees everywhere

I’ve got my eyes on the prize

1.2.3. Attack

Stunning skyline views

The world’s prettiest harbour

Flowers in the botanical garden are so pretty

Finishing at the Opera Bar
How did you spend your Mother's Day?
Looks as if you had a lovely day in a beautiful city and all for a good cause. Love the pics of the girls, especially the one with the cupcakes! Such joy 🙂
Beth Hardy
Looks like an amazing day! Glad to hear Craig’s mom is doing well.
Caz Makepeace
She’s doing so well Beth. Thank you. Can’t wait for this chemo to be finished for her though. It knocks her around a bit.