Gratitude and happiness

Cavalia Sydney
This week I caught up with one of my good friends and we went to the Cavalia show in the big top in Sydney’s Moore Park. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was fantastic. There are acrobats doing amazing tricks, but what captivates you more are the horses, who come out to dance and jump and act. They were so beautiful and I loved watching the interaction between the horses and their riders. It really showed the beautiful relationship and how smart, loyal, loving and magnificent horses are. I love them.
Cleaning my desk
It’s about time I got rid of the piles of junk surrounding my energy space. I have now completely cleared my desk so I only have my computer, one notepad, my laughing Buddha, a Tibetan singing bowl, a candle, my stones reminding me to believe, dream and have courage, and my affirmations/intentions written on sticky notes. It is a much calmer, happier space.
Morning yoga ritual on the Earth
I have taken my morning yoga ritual outside, barefoot on the dewy grass. It’s a fantastic way to start the day– a zinging burst of energy from the earth. Watch this space for tomorrow’s post where I share how I am returning to the Earth and why.
E Books
So Craig and I have finally gotten our arses into gear and are writing our eBooks. We’ve been putting this off for years, I think mostly because of overwhelm and a lack of confidence and knowledge. B-School has really helped a lot to break down those barriers and to start owning who we are and what we can offer. I also received a spark of inspiration through a conversation with friends last week and came up with an eBook that is really simple and easy, yet will rock traveller’s socks off.
We’ll be sharing all our tips and strategies for getting free or cheap travel, with a lot of extra value thrown in. I’m already half-way finished, we are blocking out 3 days this week just for eBook creation and we have sent our plans off to our designer who will whip up a smashing look. Not only that but Craig is also working on a family travel eBook and I have decided, again through serendipitous events, to create a recipe book for easy, yet delicious and healthy meals on the road. We’re aiming to have all of these out by September and then I have another How to travel the world ecourse I am working on. And then I’ll be moving on to writing some courses and eBooks for my Mojito Mother space. Joy!
Song of the week: Australia Street by Sticky Fingers
What I am reading
Trader Joes from Landing Standing Unless you’ve experienced it you wouldn’t understand the undying love people have for this supermarket chain in the States. It is the best shopping experience you’ll ever have and I miss it so much. The food is organic, wholesome, fair trade, bloody cheap and the staff are the happiest workers you’ll ever meet. LOVE me some Trader Joes.
30 buns in 30 days from Hair Romance Chrissy is putting out another hairstyling gem challenge. And if you don’t think you can really do these hairstyles in a couple of minutes every day, think again. I was there when Chrissy was photographing some of these styles and she literally whips them up in a couple of minutes.I am inspired!
What's your gratitude and happiness for this week?
Kathy -
Hey Caz – sounds like the grounding and de-cluttering are going great – well done on the E-Book progress. I’ve just got back from a yoga retreat and I’m starting some coaching soon – I have a good feeling about progress too…cheers…kathy