My earthing project

I recently posted about my major health discovery–getting connected to the Earth.

Funny how this should be a shock to me or anyone! I’m embracing the earthing and going barefoot more often. I am definitely noticing a massive difference.

Since I re-connected I have been spending lots of time at the beach and outside with my shoes off. I can’t begin to tell you how much my health has improved. I am starting to feel like my old self again. Being out in the fresh air always helps too.

I’ve now purchased an earthing sheet to go with my earthing computer mat and have some earthing shoes along the way.

Last weekend we were at Palm Beach and we realized that Kalyra had left her shoes on the beach, and we were too far away to go and retrieve them. I have been making the girls go barefoot whenever we come in contact with the earth. Im so not worried about them getting a cold from not wearing shoes–you know that old myth.

So when we lost the shoes, Kalyra turned to me and exclaimed,

“It doesn’t matter Mum because I am earthed.”

I chuckled, “You are so right!”

The barefoot mama and the babas are thriving.

Here’s my earthing project in photos

earthing at the beach


Get earthed while rolling down hills

Earthing with kids

Earthing time

Earthing at the beach

More beach earthing

Earthing at Palm Beach

Earthing at Palm Beach

Earthing in the forest

Earthing in the forest

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Where have you been earthing lately? Share a photo on my facebook wall

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  • Rachel (sesame ellis)

    Without even trying, I am raising a child like this in Clover. She was naked all day despite this being the coldest Melbourne morning is ages. We had icicles on our eaves! She told me the other day that she can’t wait to grow up so she never has to brush her hair or wear shoes! A teeny tiny hippie!


  • casey

    I decided to take this on board after reading your earlier post and also after a promting from my energy healer.

    I started in my yard when I take the pup out for a play of an afternoon, its going well except for the one sneaky pup browny I trod on last week at dusk. That was a grounding experience all of its own.



    • Caz Makepeace

      How funny Casey!! I’ve had to dodge a few of those as well. I’m getting some earthing sandals sent to me which reduces the worry of that. I’m interested to try them out, although I still think barefoot contact is the ultimate. I’m so glad you are connecting more.


  • Sofia

    Wonderful idea to walk barefoot as much as possible, not only is it a good way of getting closer to nature but improving your posture too.

    In Europe going barefoot outside isn’t really an option at the moment, haha, but I love running every morning in my New Balance Minimus shoes which makes it feel as though you’re running barefoot!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Oh they sound really good. Some countries just aren’t made for barefoot living!


  • Lisa

    Whenever I walk barefoot on the beach or grass it’s always such a shocking sensation (in a good way) because I’m so not used to it!


  • Elle

    I only learnt about earthing last year and although I have always preferred going barefoot when possible, being conscious of it has made a huge difference. I am also making a real effort to spend extra time in the yard, the park or at the beach with my little barefoot 4 year as he started school this year and wearing shoes much more often than he would like.


    • Caz Makepeace

      Yes Elle! I’m finding this road trip is really helping us to get a lot more earthing in. Especially now we are camping as we are super close to the ground.


  • Annette Riley

    I love the photos in this post because it make me feeling good and relax as I was there.


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