The Ache of Leaving my Baby Behind

The purple and gold insignia of the orchid appears as I round the corner on the boarding gangplank. It’s a symbol that would usually result in uncontainable excitement coursing through…

It’s all My Fault

They are the only words I hear as the non-mother-guilt rational side of me tries to battle back. “You were just doing the best you could.” “Yeah, but…” Back and…

Sleeping Angels

Sometimes when my baby is sleeping, I pop my head over the cot right up to her face and just watch her tiny body. I wonder if she can sense…

Savannah Smiles

Why is it that the older we get the less value we place on a smile? It’s almost as if we forget just how magical and precious a smile can…

I miss the Beach

I miss the beach This might seem a pretty absurd statement considering that soft golden sand is now molding around my body and the sound of the waves gently lapping…