Gratitude and happiness: Manifesto, magic, empowerment, Ho Hey

…rt of how and why we travel and she breathed visual beauty into it. Please come and download a free copy our on our Travel Manifesto post. You really don’t need to travel to follow this manifesto, it can be a blueprint for life too. New email series I was so happy to finally finish my free 6 part email series this week. It’s my 6 most powerful ways to raise your mojo to attract the life of your dreams. It’s what I’ve been working on early every mo…

Savannah Makepeace- My little angel

…he name of one of our favourite US cities. But, it is also more of that, it is the home of the African plains, one of our favourite places to roam. And it is where the animals live wild and free. To us, there is no greater thing than your spirit to be free. Free to choose, free to live in a way that suits your passion and purpose. Be Free To me Savannah means freedom and life. and just like Kalyra means a wild and pleasant place, there was no more…

Self-Empowerment for Modern Day Living

…l need to value ourselves, whether it is for that dog eat dog promotion or simply to feel better in yourself. Here’s three ways to start making self-empowerment part of who you are. Rooting Out Your Negativity We’re all familiar with the concept of an inner child, but do you ever think about your inner cynic? That sceptical voice in your head that says “I’d love to be able to do that” and then quickly dismisses the idea. Fortunately, it’s fairly s…

Sacredness Step: Decide you deserve more

…investments and while did not live a lavish lifestyle, it was one that was comfortable and involved doing what we loved. When we decided to jump into an entrepreneurial world those feelings of not being good enough came bursting back. My subconscious searched for ways to sabotage what we were doing because deep down I knew I didn’t deserve to step up and out into the light and into my dreams. Why would it happen to me? Who did I think I was to wan…

Thought of the Week: Failing or never trying?

…re in the Mojito Mother community, mommy blogging community, family travel community, or whatever community you belong to. So I am going to start a new segment called Thought of the Week. Simply put, I will pose a question or idea for us all to think about. I will write my thoughts on the question in this post and you can write your thoughts in the comment box below. That way we all get to learn more about each other, and at the same time, we migh…

Blog Sponsorship Podcast Chat with The Veggie Mama

…ow she looks after herself Press Play to listen now: Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed About The Veggie Mama A foodie and craft lover at heart, Stacey can be found whipping up veggie dishes so awesome that nobody misses the meat, or crocheting blankets while sipping tea from china cups. By day…

Podcast for Women 1: Getting Started

…talk about getting started. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed In getting this podcast started I had to apply two of my favourite success principles 1. Don’t wait until everything is perfect until you start- kill procrastination, start now. 2. Do the Best with What you Have from Where you are. Subscribe to the podcast via Itu…