A Father’s Wish For His Daughters

…re is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” Open Communication I hope that I will have a good enough relationship with my girls that whatever the emotional problem, they can come and tell me. I think that if you keep the channels of communication open, then no problem is insurmountable, and you can get through it as a family. I don’t just want to become the cool dad who acts like a teenager to “fit in” and hang out….

Pregnancy: Preparing for Labour Tips

…t done enough walking. Again, my sister, after participating in a hospital study, proved that walking has tremendous benefits in making labour easier. With Kalyra, I walked about an hour and a half every day. I find that extremely difficult now as I have a dawdling toddler by my side and really limited time. But, from here on end I am focused on making up for that lost time and getting walking fit. If the rain would just stop. Meditation I was nev…

Drinking Tea is one of my Favourite Things to Do

…riting on it. A lid was on top trapping inside all the brewing goodness. I opened the lid and remarked to Craig, “Oh dear, Craig, I think they have forgotten to take the tea out.” Time for Tea? There floating on top of my tea was a giant orange flower that looked just like a daisy. “How am I meant to drink that?” “Tell them. I’m sure they can fix it.” I called over the waiter. “Um… Excuse me. I think there is a problem, there are still flowers in…

Love What you Do – Inspiration from Steve Jobs

…volve doing what you love, because doing what you love involves hard work, commitment, total passion, pain and suffering and most of the time it does not involve getting paid well. At least in the beginning. I finished school having no clue what I wanted to do with my life. Actually, probably with no clue as to what I just learned in school for 12 years that would help me figure it out. I chose to study teaching, because it sounded like a good job…

How I Battled Cancer as a New Mother

…mattered. My whole life was about her at that time. All I wanted to do was study her face, hold her in my arms, and just spend every little bit of time with her. Everything seemed so perfect that I couldn’t have imagined that storm was brewing in the background. The storm emerged 3 ½ months after the birth of my daughter. I received news that I was diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma. My doctor urged me that I only had 15 months to live…

Are you treating it like a business or a hobby?

…s or the smarts. You wouldn’t believe the heart palpitations I get when it comes to implementing anything tech related. Craig and I have spent thousands on education and I hate to think how much on time. We’re the best at what we do because we learn from the best. It’s ridiculous how many people contact me, I want to be like you and get paid to travel (the glamour they see is a far cry from the hard work reality) I get excited. Of course you can….

Thank you for choosing to create more magic in your life

…aven’t already, learn more about me by visiting my about me page. I have created a Google community around the topic of magic and empowerment. Please join me there so we can discuss any questions you may have Come and hang out on my facebook fan page where you can join a great community of women and mothers. Have a great day, Caz…