My Gratitude and Happiness this week

…Sydney. Founded by Ursula from and Jessica from, Live Aspire Blog is a networking event for Sydney female bloggers and entrepreneurs, or those aspiring to be. Each month they have guest speakers and this week my friend Christina from Hair Romance was sharing her blogging journey and wisdom so I went along. Love this idea from one of the sponsors Pen and Peplum I had a great time, met some awesome new women roc…

Shopping for luck and prosperity in the Central Markets Kuala Lumpur

…was more being a lover of shopping. I’m just not that into spending hours searching for things I don’t need. I am more of a person who shops when I know what I want. My wedding dress, for example, was the first and only one I tried on. My Mum thought I was mad when I said I did not need to try anymore on, I had found the one. I like to shop like that. The markets were full of great looking stores and products, but nothing was pulling at me. It wa…

A new manifesting strategy

…son, I can’t make the million dollars appear, but I’m really good in other ways at saying what I want, sometimes quite as a small after thought, and having it appear. I’ve noticed a really cool way lately. It’s worked a few times for me now, so I thought Id share. It has to do with shopping. There are so many bright shiny objects that pass our attention daily. There are those we think we’d like to have and then those that are must have. If you don…

Self-love: A letter to my daughters

…Oh my, how clever you are. You’ve known since you were born that emotions come and go and it is our job to feel them and then let them pass. I want you to understand you are powerful beyond measure, and when you understand that concept, you never have to spend your days searching for that power elsewhere: in drugs, alcohol, bad habits, and by stealing it from others. Empowered people have self-love. Empowered people can steer the direction of the…

Do you Believe in Omens?

…ere having this discussion, a shiny piece of metal attracted my eye on the pavement. I saw what looked like a five cent piece. Craig always laughs at me when I exclaim my good fortune and pick up coins off the street, no matter the denomination. Don’t ever walk over money because you feel like a beggar in stopping to pick it up. When you act this way and walk over the money you are telling the Universe you are not interested in it, and so it won’t…

Thought of the Week: Win a Million Dollars and Quit your job?

…d then I ask for you to share your thoughts in the comments below. It is always great to learn from others and see a new way of looking at the world. So this week’s Thought If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? This might seem like a pretty easy question to answer. The most obvious response would be “Hell Yeah!!” Photo: aresauburn™ I definitely say Hell Yeah, but I am constantly surprised by the number of times I hear people…

Going crazy and the great shake up

way. Maybe it’s the detox. It can do crazy things to you.” Source: via on Pinterest He didn’t have the same conviction that it was the diet. We went for a walk and he spilled all his frustrations out. They were the same as mine. Mostly we were amped to start running the best race of our life, but the starter gun had not yet fired. The first week of January, and most businesses weren’t back at work yet. We had plans we wante…