A visit to a healer and I’m going gluten free

…nd where I felt so light, healthy and fart-free. So was Craig, which was a complete blessing. We put it down to the fact that Thais don’t eat bread, aka wheat. Nor do they eat dairy. Hmmm. Explains a lot. Over Christmas, the health issues that I was having last year flared up again–the week after the doc told me all was good. Guess those 4 surgeries didn’t work then? On Christmas Day I began stressing that I would end up in the hospital again and

Gratitude and happiness

…oals before anyone else. It’s so funny that their births reflected those two characters!! Anyway Savvy is chatting away and delighting herself and everyone else with her words. She is so darn cute. Don’t our babes have the sweetest voices when they first start talking. Song of the Week Pompeii by Bastille Reading: Are you a crap friend? I am. by Laney from Crash Test Mummy Debunking the myth about blogging and stats by Kim from Working Women Austr…

The new LG Optimus G smartphone review and giveaway

…mber or hash tag. Of course there are a range of other cool features and latest and greatest gadgets, but for me these are the ones I love and get the most use out of. The feel I love the size and weight of the phone. The bigger screen makes mobile usage so much clearer and easier and the phone is really light. I really feel like I have stepped back to the dinosaur ages when I pick up my old phone now. I really hate it and lunge straight back to t…

Gratitude and happiness: Manifesto, magic, empowerment, Ho Hey

and why we travel and she breathed visual beauty into it. Please come and download a free copy our on our Travel Manifesto post. You really don’t need to travel to follow this manifesto, it can be a blueprint for life too. New email series I was so happy to finally finish my free 6 part email series this week. It’s my 6 most powerful ways to raise your mojo to attract the life of your dreams. It’s what I’ve been working on early every morning. Yo…

My Gratitude and Happiness this week

…ed the Live Aspire Blog event in Sydney. Founded by Ursula from TheAspirer.com and Jessica from LiveHealthySimply.com, Live Aspire Blog is a networking event for Sydney female bloggers and entrepreneurs, or those aspiring to be. Each month they have guest speakers and this week my friend Christina from Hair Romance was sharing her blogging journey and wisdom so I went along. Love this idea from one of the sponsors Pen and Peplum I had a great time…

3 key steps for building stronger relationships with brands

…e still happens, and if for some reason you are delayed, don’t worry, just communicate this and communicate early when possible. It’s much better to explain that you won’t have a post ready in time rather than neglecting emails. This might ruin a relationship if a PR feels they can’t trust you to work on a project you agreed upon. Also, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask questions. Ask for details to gain a better understanding of why th…

Money Project update

…think that’s a huge challenge of having your own business. You have to get comfortable with the fact that the incoming flow of money is never consistent. One month may rock it, the next may be okay, and then one month not so good. I’m super aware of how much I used to sabotage myself. My belief has always been it won’t happen to me, so in a way to cushion the disappointment and pain, I sabotage myself. Crazy crazy world. This month I’m working on…