Welcome to the new Mojito Mother: Inspiration, Empowerment, Magic

…of purpose. Inspiration You will notice the magic the more empowered you become. You become empowered through inspiration. It is only through inspiration that we move off the couch from complacency to our natural state of being: striving towards growth. We all need to be growing and changing, this is life’s natural state. But it is hard to move a parked car, until you turn it on and fire it up with petrol. Welcome to my new Mojito Mother site   In…

Today I was meant to have a baby

…gan to tremble. “Is there a problem? “I think there might be. I’ll have to examine you internally.” After further examination she turned to me, “I am so sorry but the baby didn’t develop.” Heaving sobs burst out from my chest immediately. “Why is Mummy crying, Daddy?” Kalyra was still waiting to see the baby on the screen and had no idea of the news we just heard. I had no idea what to tell her. “Don’t worry Mummy. It will be okay.” A little pat o…

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

…Send back interview request forms, book accommodation, write out possible questions, research online. Each day do something that prepares you for the eventual goal or event. This helps to make you feel more comfortable with the reality of what you are doing. You will arrive on the day with the feeling of preparedness and you’ll know exactly what it is you need to do and when Visualize I’ve used this technique for many years, whether it be talking…

I want to see a Hocano

…t, I finally understood that she meant volcano. I couldn’t stop asking her questions about it only because I wanted to hear her repeat the word hocano over and over again. What a delightful new word! We talked all afternoon about the hocano and how she made it and that the blue stuff is really red and its called lava and is really really hot. “Would you like to see a volcano that mummy has been to visit? It’s in my photo album.” “Can I mummy? Have…

How To Save on Travel Expenses – a 4 step plan

…tel that does not mind the head count of people staying in a room. Step 3: Search For Discounts For Your Target Destination This is highly important because according to research, at least 40 per cent of expenses are attributed to the activities that you will do. For instance, if you and your family plan to go to the famous Puerto Galera diving spots, make sure that you go online and research ahead for where you can get leisure coupons for scuba d…

How to create a magical life

…ntly change your life around and create it to how you want it to look. The free email series When you sign up to my free email series, you will receive an email from me every third day a simple and powerful tip for creating your ultimate life with a new tip an action step. Implement it every day and you’ll see your life change into what YOU want it to be. Open your mind to what I teach you and, most importantly, apply the tip to your own life. If…

My first radio experience on 702 ABC Sydney

…on 702 ABC Sydney“) When in situations like this you have to trust that you are the expert and you have something valuable to share and focus on that. I just hope the doors stay open so more opportunities come my way. It’s amazing what can happen when you intend for it and then say yes and have fun with it….