When You Lose Your Mojo and the Lightness Returns

…it. First, look towards your health. What is not right here? A slump could easily be put down to a lack of energy which can be easily fixed. Bring back the light Next evaluate the path you are walking on. Does it feel right? Are you happy? What feels disconnected about it for you? Ask lots of questions and don’t expect any answers. At least not right away. I tend to imagine that I am writing my questions on a paper and then I burn them. I don’t ha…

What I learned from taking a break from the online world

…k. 3. Photo editing unmotivates me and is a drain on my time. A task I can easily do offline is my photo editing. We use a lot of photos in our posts which is a bitch when it comes to taking the and editing. I don’t finish a lot of posts because I photo-edit procrastinate. My solution is to now 1. Perfect the art of taking the perfect shot. 2. Delete all photos that are crap. 3. Focus on just a few of the BEST shots to edit. 4. Email is a drain I’…

The traveller tries to organise a house

…doorstep by the end of the week. Cull cull cull. For the next month I am dedicating 15 minutes a day for organizing and then one day a week to have a mass session decluttering and clearing. Tomorrow I start with developing some sort of filing system for my computer. It is a mess. And I am on the hunt for some good storage solutions. One small thing a week. By the end of the month I hope to have claimed some of my happiness back from my disorganis…

Hire Me

…op. I have had many different mentors and am never afraid to pay for them. FREE gives you free results and places a huge burden on your time. I offer coaching services to those who are eager and committed to learning and doing whatever it takes. All coaching sessions are tailored to your individual needs. Speaking Looking for an experienced, engaging and inspiring speaker for your next event? There are a wide variety of topics that I can speak abo…

My first radio experience on 702 ABC Sydney

…e travel segment to talk about places to discover on Sydney harbour. I was completely freaked out and not even sure I had enough knowledge to give the station what they wanted. But I said yes. I knew I could figure it out. This was an opportunity I wanted and could not say no to. After I said yes, I started planning and realized I actually did know enough to talk about and if there were any gaps then I could easily fill them with Dr Google. The ne…

How to get the holiday look right

…e. I’m so super impressed with the clothes and service that SequinsandSand.com.au offers. I’ve been poking around there for the past few weeks sussing out how I can further feel comfortable and stylish on the road. The only problem is, is now I want to ditch Australia for exotic locations like the Maldives or the Mediterranean. I’m just hoping the warm weather picks up a little, so I can wear my stylish beach gear more! Disclaimer: As mentioned ab…

Fighting the Resistance to Change

…roducing fish and vegetables. I think I’ll cope better because I will feel freer. Leo Babauta from Zen Habits says that, “The urge to smoke, eat, procrastinate, or quit running … it will pass. It’s temporary. Usually it only lasts a minute or two. Breathe, and let it pass.” I’ve aware of my resistance and I have been practicing watching it and letting it pass. The urge does disappear and soon you’ll find yourself doing strange things like ignoring…