Why Mojito Mother?

…ecking out other mommy blogs secretly on your iphone. You are more than welcome to hang out with us,quietly or not. As I will be talking about topics such as travel, mindset, and success tips then I’m sure there will be something you will gain from reading this blog. You’ll at least get to know a modern Mojito Mother a little better. And what man doesn’t want to know what women want. Come spend time with the Mojito Mother because your mojo deserve…

Banning the Time Out Corner in Pre-School

…sty and unkind. You know better than that.” I still get across my love and compassion for her, but at the same time let her know that she cannot let excuses get in the way of her being a respectful and kind person. There are no excuses. If it means we have to send our children to time out for a little while for some space and quiet time to think through their actions, then this is what we do. As long as we let them know that they are not naughty o…

Dear Little Angel: A letter to my Unborn Child

…he would like you to arrive here. I hope for her, that things work out the way she would like. But, even if things turn out a little differently, I know all she wants – Is for you to arrive as safely as possible, so that you can start your new life in the best way she can possibly give you. Your mummy is an incredible woman. She is incredibly strong and brave. I know why you have chosen her. You have chosen her, your dad and Kalyra because you wan…

Surviving Childbirth Tips

…the job you have to do. Focus on feeling the pain, rathar than pushing it away. Find ways to use the pain as power. A Natural Birth There is really not a lot you can do to control this. We all know a natural birth is the best way to give birth to a baby. But, things happen, which means this cannot be a reality for a lot of women. Get over it and go with whatever you need to do that is best for your baby. This is the most important thing. If it mea…

The new LG Optimus G smartphone review and giveaway

…n and sleek with a huge amount of innovate features. The LG Optimus G Giveaway I don’t like to receive free products unless I can arrange one for you. I have an LG Optimus G phone (worth around $600) to give away. (See more about the phone here) All you need to do is answer the question in the form below: What feature do you love most about the LG Optimus phone and how would it help your life? Fill out my online form. Terms and Conditions 1. Only…

Podcast: The feelings of financial freedom and how to get it

…Do you know what it feels like to be financially free? What does financial freedom feel like anyway? If I have mountains of bills coming in and too much month left at the end of the money, how can financial freedom ever be a reality for me? Take it from me who is someone who has lived both sides of the financial freedom scale, being debt-ridden sucks. But, you can get out of it and feel in control of your life again. Because you are in control of…

Mojito Mother Podcast For Women and Mothers

…st and what it will involve. https://media.blubrry.com/mojitomotherpodcast/www.mojitomother.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Podcast-intro.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed The podcast will be broadcast at least once every two weeks, heading towards more of a weekly show. The show will feature readings of posts/stories strategies to extend upon the ideas presented in my free ebook “20 lessons travel taught me about life.“ Interviews…