Savannah Makepeace- My little angel

…he name of one of our favourite US cities. But, it is also more of that, it is the home of the African plains, one of our favourite places to roam. And it is where the animals live wild and free. To us, there is no greater thing than your spirit to be free. Free to choose, free to live in a way that suits your passion and purpose. Be Free To me Savannah means freedom and life. and just like Kalyra means a wild and pleasant place, there was no more…

Are you caught in the happiness trap?

…we experience a powerful sense of vitality. This is not some fleeting feeling- it is a profound sense of life well lived. And although such a life will undoubtedly give us many pleasurable feelings, it will also give us uncomfortable ones, such as sadness, fear and anger. This is only to be expected If we live a full life, we will fell the full range of human emotions. Do you have tingles now? Yes. Yes. Yes. That fills me up completely….

Feel Good Friday

…ust did a pop off Me: Ooops Did you stink out the room? Kalyra: I had fire coming out my bum! Weekly Affirmation All is well in my world Friday Photo Taken with the new camera Feeling Good I had lots of guest posts and interviews come out around the Internet this week. It always feels great to write for other sites and meet new people through the process. I love writing about success and mindset, so my favourite one this week was on Problogger “Di…

Sacredness Step: Decide you deserve more

…decision did not reflect an instantaneous belief and all channels suddenly opened for things to happen. It’s been a long journey since then, but that decision opened up a small space for me to step into. By saying that I would step forth into this world my soul ached for, I said I would learn how to believe in my own self-worth and take the necessary steps to find what my soul was yearning for me to do. When you make step into your sacredness in t…

Excuse me while I go nucking futs

…out 20 mins. Messages were sent to the family and confirmed. After a quick search online and a shout out to our community, I found a venue for his Gold Coast drinks and created an event in Facebook. Bang, bang. bang. Tasks fired off one after the other final notes for Problogger conference organized emails answered posts semi-organized for our absence car parking and Sydney airport hotel organized deals done online a little prepration for #yTravel…

Attending cultural shows with your children

…girls to Thailand next month to do just that. This summer take the time to search out your local area for some cultural shows you can attend with your children. Prepare them for what they will see, be enthusiastic with them about the show and talk with them about it after. What did they like? Didn’t like? What did they learn? If you want to see more about how cultural shows can impact your children, come and read When Savannah met Alida in a Vanua…

The new LG smart TV review- see it in action

for yourself how cool it is.The more views of the video the more chance I have of keeping it. But wait. There is more. If I get the most amount of views for my LG smart TV review I also get one of these LG Smart TV’s to giveaway to someone in my community. Which I think would be the most awesomeness giveaway on my blog even. So please click play and then share. Share it amongst your friends, family and community too. I’ll love you forever and hop…