Podcast Episode 2: Comparing Yourself to Others

…other people – Nido Qubein. https://media.blubrry.com/mojitomotherpodcast/www.mojitomother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Podcast-2-comparing-yourself.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed I discuss how we can avoid feeling inferior, superior, insecure, bitter, arrogant or self-rightous and how we can turn the need to compare ourselves with others to an empowering behaviour. Links to Resources discussed in Podcast 9 Simple Tips for T…

Podcast for Women 1: Getting Started

…talk about getting started. https://media.blubrry.com/mojitomotherpodcast/www.mojitomother.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/MM-podcast-1.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed In getting this podcast started I had to apply two of my favourite success principles 1. Don’t wait until everything is perfect until you start- kill procrastination, start now. 2. Do the Best with What you Have from Where you are. Subscribe to the podcast via Itu…

Stocklands New iPhone Shopping App and $100 giveaway

…information – Centre news – Shopping list – Discount calculator It can be downloaded for free from the app store here — http://bit.ly/HOHxiW Enter the giveaway by filing out the form below Fill out my online form. Terms and conditions: The Stocklands App giveaway will be judged on skill. The competition opens, Wednesday April 25 at 7am EST and closes on Thursday May 3rd at 6pm EST. One entry per person. Entries will be judged on creativity and or…

Lessons Learned From a Blog Post That Goes Wrong

…, facebook chats and mentions. Thank you. People who usually support you become silent. I completely understand this; some people want to stay out of conflict. Some of those people may not have even read my post yet. And some might not want to say anything because they don’t want to openly criticize me, which is all fair enough. You have loyal readers who will support you even if their opinions differ; they let you know, but still in an encouragin…

Road Trips Around the World

…ever it took to keep together. Helping Hands There was one thing about our communal village pick up and mini-van drives in Asia and Africa. We always had so many comforting hands and friendly voices protecting us and keeping us safe. A friendly place to hang out in Cambodia My Ugandan friend Benson decided to take his Muzungu (white person) under his wing on our drive through the mountainous passes in the back of a pick up on the way to see the go…

A Bizarre Meditation Experience

…rned it a little more, and then a little more, and soon enough I felt very comfortable with being out in front where I could be seen. I felt very comfortable with the thought that opportunities and rewards would now clearly see me and find there way to me easily. I said yes. This is where I want to be, it is where I belong and it is what I deserve. The pressure on my head was released and I felt it facing forward again in its true position. Am I c…

To be at my best for a better world

…ckens, the weapons that destroy, and the words that hurt. If anything good comes out of this may it be that each person starts to be better. Let the lives of those little babies, who walked into school that day with a smile in their heart and a curious desire to learn how magical the word is, be worth something. Let them teach us to be better for those we still have responsibility for. Please help carry the pain a little for those grieving parents…