New E-course on idea generation and creativity for bloggers

…leased with my blogging process so far and have received good feedback, but this course has enabled me to think in depth about my approach and techniques for creativity. The email format worked well for me as I could save if I was busy and come back to the course in my own time. Will recommend other bloggers ”“Really enjoyed it and found that it was bite sized enough to be able to fit it all in, sometimes courses can feel overwhelming! Some very u…

Mojo Magic tip: Notice the miracles

…. It doesn’t take much to notice the small miracles. All you need to do is practice mindfulness. With each new breath and task be aware of what you are doing. You’ll soon discover that the simple experience of walking on earth is a miracle. Start today. Make a conscious effort to stop and look around you. Notice the flowers blossoming on the tree, the way the bees buzz around, and the cockatoos hungrily munch. Take in the vibrancy and be in awe of…

How to make the perfect mojito

…ave many emergencies that drive us to drink, but there have been plenty of practice drills! I don’t know why it hasn’t occurred to us before, but we’ve decided to try a 30-day challenge and so June sees us attempting 30 Cocktails in 30 Days. Our first drink: the mojito! Promise to make you one next time you’re round, Caz. In the mean time here’s our recipe. How to make a mojito Here’s what you need: For each drink Double measure white rum maybe mo…

Meet Milly and Mook

…only calm and happy if she’s climbing, running or playing outdoors. She’s completely cheeky and looks for the moments she can step over the line. She’s also very concerned with the happiness of others and is looking out for their comfort and supplying their needs. We were exploring the town of Central Tilba the other day when we walked past a shop filled with beautiful fairy dresses, crystals, and spirituality totems. My kind of place. My fashion…

Mojo magic tips: Rituals keep us focused and connected

…ising so early and I wake up and move into mountain pose. The seven minute practice gives me a little boost of energy and stretches me out into clarity. I no longer fall asleep when I meditate, something that happened quite frequently, even when I was doing it at 6:30am. Once I am finished, I write down my 10 things I am grateful for and then I express my gratitude for the extraordinary results coming my way today. I then make my cuppa green tea a…

How to overcome post Problogger Conference blues and struggles

…to publish a guest post on my site. I wanted to reply with Sarah Wilson’s comment “I am not a community service blog.” Instead I spoke of my need to feed my children. 2. Cuddles with those I love I gave lots of cuddles to my two girls this morning and a couple to Craig. Little giggles and warm embraces always give you sparks of happiness. 3. Write out the struggles I can’t even begin to tell you how much clearer I feel now after writing this and

Feeling gratitude and happiness for

…eek when I wanted to quit. Imagine is all I’ve been doing for years and it comes from my need to have freedom and desire to offer value. Thanks for keeping me on track Chris! Learning Photoshop ‘ve learned so much this week on how to use Photoshop and I am loving it. I have so much more to learn though and would love any helpful tips or points in the right direction to learn them! I was most excited to creatE this image. Even though it’s not brill…