Podcast Episode 2: Comparing Yourself to Others

…other people – Nido Qubein. https://media.blubrry.com/mojitomotherpodcast/www.mojitomother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Podcast-2-comparing-yourself.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed I discuss how we can avoid feeling inferior, superior, insecure, bitter, arrogant or self-rightous and how we can turn the need to compare ourselves with others to an empowering behaviour. Links to Resources discussed in Podcast 9 Simple Tips for T…

Podcast for Women 1: Getting Started

…talk about getting started. https://media.blubrry.com/mojitomotherpodcast/www.mojitomother.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/MM-podcast-1.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed In getting this podcast started I had to apply two of my favourite success principles 1. Don’t wait until everything is perfect until you start- kill procrastination, start now. 2. Do the Best with What you Have from Where you are. Subscribe to the podcast via Itu…

Lessons From Not Winning

…derstand what it is I have to do and I can focus on that. Why I don’t like Competitions From this I have learned, competitions aren’t really my thing. Asking people to vote and comment on my work makes me feel as if I am an uninvited religious person knocking at your door begging you to be saved like I am. I also really don’t like having to adhere to a set of rules. I don’t like the pressure that comes from having to write or act in a certain way…

Are you earthing enough?

…mpletely supports you on your journey and when you set intentions and make commitments, doors open and messages are delivered in the most unusual ways. A good friend recently told me this quote. I always love to be part of the solution. When problems arise for me now, I generally sit and trust that the Universe will bring me the solutions, and it does because it knows that is what I like. Throughout my challenges, I have had a constantly niggling…

Shopping for BOLD in Thailand

…t ridiculous at first, but when no one laughed at me, I felt a little more comfortable and noticed a slight lift in my confidence. Bright boldness will do that. My wardrobe is slowly turning from dark to rainbow. Of course I did some shopping in Thailand and I informed each new vendor I was looking for bold colours and style. Put myself out there to break free from the chains of worrying what others think and being bright instead. If others can go…

Gratitude and happiness: Remarkables, Costco, early morning rises

…med of since we left Raleigh two years ago. A short walk from our home was Costco where we’d stock up on salmon burgers and giant tubs of houmous. We visited Costco in Sydney for the first time during the week and were so excited wandering around trying food and stocking up the trolley, especially with salmon burgers. Yum! Early morning rises and new email series I’ve gotten up at 4:30am every day this week. I start my day with a simple yoga pract…

A drowning dilemma

…ot get much content of my own published or slow them down and not get much free stuff out to you? What do I do? I would love for you to tell me what you would like to see? Do you like the giveaways? Would you like to continue to see more? Or would you prefer to just have me write the content I usually write? (I do have a couple more to come just while I am sorting this out) I would so appreciate your thoughts. And in the meantime I’ll go back to f…