Shopping with My Girls At BIG W

…he perfect fit for her diva self or not. She is also quite helpful when it comes time for me to purchase a new outfit, advising me what looks good and how to co-ordinate it with my shoes and handbags. After sharing a bowl of Tom Yung Goong together, we headed out to Big W to restock our wardrobes. We love sharing a bowl of Tom Yung Goong I was quite impressed with the range and style of their clothes. Obviously with young children, I am looking at…

3 Steps to Using Your Mojo to Create Magic

…then take the action. The letting go means you no longer wonder when it is coming or how it is going to arrive, you just become the dream. So if it is a writer that I want to be then I will be that writer. Even though the commissions aren’t yet rolling in, in my mind I am the commissioned writer already. Everyday I take the steps that show my belief. I learn what I need to learn, I get up every day and write and perfect my craft. I research the ma…


…f period pain type cramps. Excellent. My little girl was giving me time to practice for the real thing and I was convinced that she would come early. Yesterday, she was due. Yesterday, I had yet another scan as the doctors are concerned I am too small. Yesterday the doctor told me, “The circumference of your baby’s tummy is too small. This can indicate to us that your placenta is dying. It’s nothing to worry about, but we are going to have to indu…

Helping your Child get Through Rough Patches

…nal and physical support. When children experience rough patches they need comfort, closeness and love… just like us. Tell them that it is okay to feel sad and down: children need to know that they are not expected to always feel happy and joyful – having down days and low days are common and normal experiences and this is okay. Teach your children about different emotions: by teaching your children the many different emotions that humans experien…

Feel Good Friday

…eekly segment on Mojito Mother. Tell me about your Feel Good Friday in the comments below. Words of Wisdom When you slide down the banister of life, make sure all the splinters are facing the right way. Friday Funny Kalyra: Mummy, can I have some more milk? Me: I don’t want you to have anymore before bed. You’ve only got undies on and if you drink too much you might wet the bed. Kalyra: Well… I won’t wet the bed now. I’ll wet the bed later. Weekly…

Yoga, a Ball of Fire and Ice, and Great Change

…ilt up toxins in our body. This was the same feeling. More research, which comprised of friends answering my facebook questions and a chat with my master fitness trainer sister, “You haven’t done yoga in a long time, so you have stretched your joints, muscles and ligaments into postures you are just not used to. You have unsettled all your lymph nodes and all the toxins that have been lying there are now coming out.” Shit. I have some built up tox…

Shopping for BOLD in Thailand

…t ridiculous at first, but when no one laughed at me, I felt a little more comfortable and noticed a slight lift in my confidence. Bright boldness will do that. My wardrobe is slowly turning from dark to rainbow. Of course I did some shopping in Thailand and I informed each new vendor I was looking for bold colours and style. Put myself out there to break free from the chains of worrying what others think and being bright instead. If others can go…