Yoga, a Ball of Fire and Ice, and Great Change

…rection. I woke the following morning and the pain in my legs and hips was completely gone. While my sore throat certainly took a few more days to clear up, I was well on my way to a brand new me. Stretching for Change I felt lighter than I had in years. A peace and calm returned to me and which has not left. I suddenly felt very secure and safe. I felt like my life had turned around and was moving into a new phase of growth and success. More impo…

Don’t Torture Yourself

…it is something you are insecure about or scared to let go of. The easiest way to overcome it is to acknowledge the feeling, ask yourself why you might be feeling this way, embrace it and then work on making any change that needs to be made. Don’t fear it, don’t ignore it, and don’t get angry about it, just change it. It takes time but it starts with a single step. 2. Masochistic Behaviour You really do think in the opposite way to me and you just…


…Please don’t write and ask. I do NOT do link exchanges or post content for companies for free. Please see the paid advertising route. This is your ONLY option. I do not have the time to review books, your website, or any apps you have made, unless you wish to pay me for my TIME. I charge $257 p/h I do not do affiliate programs Do not send me posts you think I’d like to promote. I only promote things I find myself. I’d love to get to know you bette…

Savannah- the Mojito Baby Girl

…our highest value, and we want our daughters to understand that they are always free to choose. You can read about her birth and her first six weeks About Savannah She is 2 months old. She is so gorgeous and cute She is very curious She is a happy baby Love those smiles But she has a fierce temper, and if she is made she will rant at you for a long time. She is slowly sorting out her sleep. She does not like loud noises or getting her nappy change…

Gratitude and Happiness: Mystics, I Quit Sugar, Pre-school

…es to be like her big sister! Covermore Travel Insurance When we heard the computer repair man in Bangkok say “computer dead”, our hearts sunk. A thousand dollar expense coming up we could not afford. We did not even think about it happening on holidays when we have insurance, until someone mentioned it. Oh yeah! For some reason we didn’t think Savannah busting it would be covered, but because our lap top is insured it doesn’t really matter what h…

Gratitude and happiness

…ing conversations and laughter with old friends and new. Sugar free, dairy free, gluten free pumpkin pie One day I will become a better food photographer I fell in love with pumpkin pie when we lived in the States. I was super excited to make this recipe from Sarah Wilson’s I quit sugar ebook. It was delicious!! Kalyra could not get enough of it.I need to make a few slight adjustments next time but its a winner for sure. Click here to view details…

Gratitude and happiness

…g to talk My little munchkin is a late talker, but it is because she has always been a brilliant communicator and did not need her words. She also is not a person who is in a rush to achieve, she has the attitude of it will happen when it happens, whereas Kalyra is my gung ho girl. She’s always striving and hitting those goals before anyone else. It’s so funny that their births reflected those two characters!! Anyway Savvy is chatting away and del…