Savannah- the Mojito Baby Girl

…Savannah to be similar to that as to where the animals roam wild and free. Freedom is our highest value, and we want our daughters to understand that they are always free to choose. You can read about her birth and her first six weeks About Savannah She is 2 months old. She is so gorgeous and cute She is very curious She is a happy baby Love those smiles But she has a fierce temper, and if she is made she will rant at you for a long time. She is s…

Gratitude and Happiness: Mystics, I Quit Sugar, Pre-school

…es to be like her big sister! Covermore Travel Insurance When we heard the computer repair man in Bangkok say “computer dead”, our hearts sunk. A thousand dollar expense coming up we could not afford. We did not even think about it happening on holidays when we have insurance, until someone mentioned it. Oh yeah! For some reason we didn’t think Savannah busting it would be covered, but because our lap top is insured it doesn’t really matter what h…

Mojito Mother is revamping on a schedule

…getting to know someone else in the world, via interviews. They’ll be fun questions to help us delve deeper into people we just want to know more about. Let me know if you are up for interview or want to hear from someone. These will be in written form, unlike my podcast interviews. Sunday: Gratitude and Happiness This segment will continue as normal. It is so important that we spend time (every day) in gratitude for all the wonderful things that…

Gratitude, happiness and things I’m loving this week

…on fear. I’ll share in another post the process but we asked a lot of good questions and were very clear on what we wanted and I feel really comfortable and sure about our decision. Ziera shoes I tried these shoes on a couple of months ago and fell in love. I love shoes, but have never really fallen in love with any before. These shoes from Ziera are the comfiest shoes I’ve ever put on my feet and they are heels!! I was excited to get a pair durin…

Learning to embrace my inner girl

…were high heels, except it felt like I was wearing flats, they were sooooo comfortable. I did not want to take them off and I nearly had to have them pried off my feet. So expensive shoes just really aren’t about a label? It is about comfort and support mixed with style. And then I blame other bloggers, like Sarah from a Beach Cottage who told me in my podcast interview with her that women need to treat themselves more because they deserve it. So…

How do you know when you’ve made the right choice?

…ight answer is as simple as stepping forth, 1. 2. 3. There’s a signal that comes from your gut that says, Yep this is right. You don’t need to evevaluate the pros and cons and think about how your life would look at the end if each road, you just step forth onto the one that guides you with certainty. When I was preparing for my wedding. I gathered together my mother and bridesmaids to go shopping for my dress. We blocked out the day and had the a…

How do you measure success?

…s if you don’t make enough money to have the choices you want? A certain income level is an important consideration for your definitions of success. We need money to cover our living costs and so we can do things we love and have things we want. If you define your success upon the two factors above, then your focus towards money will shift a little. You’ll plan wisely for how much money you need to have the happiness and contribution will change….