Self-love: A letter to my daughters

…Because without it, you can never live out your potential, you can’t give completely to another soul, and you can’t live a life of deep fulfilment. Without self-love all you see is bleakness and enemies, when really what is there are multitudes of angels to guide you into the light of who you truly are: An angel, a person who changes lives and leaves an impact, and a glowing rainbow of happiness. This is all I want you to be, because I know it’s…

Find your flow by letting go

…ing go is very different to surrendering to fate, because being fatalistic comes with the limitations of remaining a victim to circumstances. In many ways this view perpetuates holding on – to past pain, guilt, shame, to the idea that we can’t move beyond where we’ve come from, the victim we may have been, the place where we are now, when of course things change all the time. To be fatalistic is to be stuck in a stagnant pool of life or cast adrif…

Gratitude, Happiness and things I’m loving

…g inspired. Websites and posts I’m reading How to use blogging to launch a freelance writing career by Bamidele Onibalusi from Think Traffic. A helpful guide with really good resources Stop-motion video of Kuala Lumpur Here’s a cool video from my friend Ant at Positive World travel from our Discover Malaysia trip in Kuala Lumpur recently A love soaked letter of encouragement by Rach from In Spaces Between I think we all need to take notice of this…

Dear Mr President: Be the Change you Wish to see

…honest, there is little we can do to control the power and greed that overcomes a human being’s sense of fairness and compassion. If I hand over the world to these people, then I become powerless and afraid. It doesn’t have to be like that, because I have the power over my own life. Be the Change you wish to see It doesn’t matter what others do, I can control my world and how I want it to be. The most powerful statement of all came from the lips…

10 Things I love: Beating Procrastination, Toyota and Press Trips

…ine then how excited I am about an upcoming trip in March. We will be road testing a new Toyota Camry in the Hunter Valley for the weekend. And yes, after bearing two children, Craig will be the designated driver. Australian Open of Surfing Festival, Sydney I will be attending a press trip in Sydney for this upcoming week. The Australian Open of Surfing will be on, which I have media passes for. Our blogging party of four will spend two days there…

Hello 2012 I am Glad You are Here

with my family Business Develop some of my own products Earn a full time income from our blogs Start blog and social media consulting Mojito Mother Be more consistent with my podcasts– including interviewing special guests Develop some products centred around making your mojo work for you Site redesign include more photography (eeek- help!) I now publish a Daily Photo Continue to maintain a positive atmosphere Grow my readership and fan page commu…

My Time in Kuala Lumpur for the NAPBAS Awards

…ke all Asian countries, is amazing! Here are a couple of photos Air Asia X comfort Flying air Asia X nuffnang australia crew assam laksa Aussie bloggers dinner Tour guide Hungover bus tour King’s Palace Kuala Lumpur tiramasu National Monument National Monument National Monument Kuala Lumpur National Monument Kuala Lumpur Best Christmas display ever Pavillion shopping centre christmas display Petronis Towers Petronis Towers Malaysia enjoying a Stra…