Press/ Media

…hieving Blog Success and Working with Brands– Problogger Training Event – Oct 2011 What others are saying: Books/Print Featured three times in the ebook 40 Smart Social Media Status Updates to make Fans Fall in Love with Your company with examples of how we engage our facebook community. Featured along with other massive companies like Google, Starbucks, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Smug Mug, Zappos, Target and more… Featured as an interview in the wome…

Putting the Baby to Sleep

…y my side. If I could, I’d never put her down. But, my job is to teach and guide her and with that comes learning how to sleep. You’d think they’d coming out knowing, but they don’t. I just have to remind myself what happens a few months down the track when they don’t know how to get themselves asleep. Hours of rocking. Patting on back. Sleep Rescue strategies that don’t work, all in an effort to help restore some of your sanity. Sleepless nights….

Dear Little Angel: A letter to my Unborn Child

…ontinue to know this, in your final days in her safe, warm, womb. Let this guide you, as you work together to bring you into this world. Your mummy will be there to help you, all the way. With all of her mother’s love. Thank you for receiving my letter with an open heart, Little Angel. I hope I get to meet you some day. With Love, Lina Thank you so much to Lina Nguyen for writing this beautiful letter as a gift to myself and my little angel. I acc…

Our First Family Painting

…ting their creativity shine through, or squashing it by controlling the outcome that best suits you. I decided to guide and let her go for it. Look at my beautiful family I love how she has the three girls in green and the odd one out, Daddy, in blue. Isn’t he so lucky to be surrounded by three gorgeous women? We’ll help to keep it real for him. Mummy is holding Daddy’s hand across the road and Kalyra is holding her baby sisters. What a beautiful…

Our Children Choose Us

…parents. It is wonderful to hear that other people think the same way. Her comment was in relation to the upcoming birth of our new daughter Isn’t she clever- choosing parents that will love her. Craig and I also believe that our children choose us, just as we choose our own parents. If this is true or not none of us will ever know, but this is why I love thinking like this. It Holds me accountable Believing that my children choose me to be their…

My Experience with Chakra Rebalancing

…hem being unsettled or sick. She said my daughter knows that I want her to come early. She will come a week early for me but she really needs a week or two more inside my tummy. Suddenly all desperate hoping for her to come vanished. I realized that I was being selfish wanting her to come when I wanted. She needs to come when it is best for her. With that comes great relief and I feel the ticking time bomb has gone and I can just rest into the las…

Savannah- the Mojito Baby Girl

…Savannah to be similar to that as to where the animals roam wild and free. Freedom is our highest value, and we want our daughters to understand that they are always free to choose. You can read about her birth and her first six weeks About Savannah She is 2 months old. She is so gorgeous and cute She is very curious She is a happy baby Love those smiles But she has a fierce temper, and if she is made she will rant at you for a long time. She is s…