Fighting the Resistance to Change

…roducing fish and vegetables. I think I’ll cope better because I will feel freer. Leo Babauta from Zen Habits says that, “The urge to smoke, eat, procrastinate, or quit running … it will pass. It’s temporary. Usually it only lasts a minute or two. Breathe, and let it pass.” I’ve aware of my resistance and I have been practicing watching it and letting it pass. The urge does disappear and soon you’ll find yourself doing strange things like ignoring…

Your Life is a Gift

…n, and so he missed his chance to go into the city. That train chugged its way into London right where the bombs went off in 2005. He soon saw the miracle of life’s gift in that moment. Every day there will be those interventions, but we don’t always get the chance to see them. We’ll miss the bus, or drive down the wrong road, or decide to do the shopping another day. Each of those choices could possibly have helped to steer us on the right path o…

Mojo Magic Tips: Open your eyes to the mojo magic?

…roblogger event this weekend is that those who were speaking of their huge successes, spoke of how things just magically fell into place for them. The right opportunity at the right time. A chance encounter. An offbeat word from a friend. A small spark. Open your eyes Source: via Chris on Pinterest This is magic. When you open your eyes to the magic you will see it everywhere. And when you see it everywhere you will start to create it…

Know your value systems related to money

…o live in accordance with. Here’s a list of some values to help you. Love, success, freedom, intimacy, security, adventure, power, passion, comfort, health, contribution, growth, happiness, creativity, personal growth, peace, vitality, security How do your values relate to money? If you want to attract more money into your life, you need to feel good about it. You feel good about things that are in alignment with your values. Its how we bring fulf…

Money Project update

…sabotage myself. My belief has always been it won’t happen to me, so in a way to cushion the disappointment and pain, I sabotage myself. Crazy crazy world. This month I’m working on Bringing awareness to my financial situation. Managing my money well, and responding to the money aspects of my job straight away. Paying invoices as they come in, replying to advertisers etc immediately, and following up. Yesterday my accountant gave me our figures f…

Feel Good Friday

…own the banister of life, make sure all the splinters are facing the right way. Friday Funny Kalyra: Mummy, can I have some more milk? Me: I don’t want you to have anymore before bed. You’ve only got undies on and if you drink too much you might wet the bed. Kalyra: Well… I won’t wet the bed now. I’ll wet the bed later. Weekly Affirmation Everything I do is a Success. Friday Photo One of my favourites Feeling Good This week, I am really feeling li…

Mojito Mother is in hibernation

…eeper clarity into where I’m headed, I noticed just how much I was hiding away. Stuffing it away in this little corner called Mojito Mother. I’d write posts that I’d get lots of positive feedback about from the very few people who read them. Few people were reading them, because I was doing nothing to promote them. I didn’t have the time. OR, I was just too afraid to put it out there on a larger scale? Through my opening up these past 3 months, I…