Truly, madly and deeply: What I’d do for a Tim Tam?

…d grasp, and groups of running friends grabbed several of them on the fly, completely rendering their workout useless. Tim Tam sharing the passion It is Australia’s most irresistible chocolate biscuit and Australian’s will do anything to get one, especially if it’s free. What would you do for a Tim Tam? Crowds gathered around the main Tim Tam tree that had whole packets and lanterns with fan’s names on them. A tree nymph instructed the hordes to o…

Getting Paid to Do What You Love

…you love? I’ve earned lots of money before, but nothing has ever tasted sweeter than the money that comes from you creating and doing what you love. I would be just as excited if I was paid 5 cents. Although, I wouldn’t take it, because I am worth so much more. My recent freelance writing job with Village Voices has shown me just what I am capable of, what doors might open up now as a result, and what you can do if you really set your mind on some…

Gratitude and happiness for Kiama, Bright Delight, sisterly love

…school in Africa- very happy!! You can still donate at The sisterly bond between Savannah and Kalyra Adore these two like you wouldn’t believe. I love to sit back and watch the bond develop between them both. Kalyra is such a beautiful big sister. She is always looking out for Savannah and loves to lead her around. Savannah adores Kalyra and follows her everywhere. If Kalyra should ever be upset, Savannah will r…

Gratitude and Happiness: smudging, Little Things, paddle boating

…this quote for the first time today on facebook. Then hours later, when I opened up My Happiness book, I opened to the page that had the same quote on it. I think I might know what the Universe is trying to tell me. I have held back on doing something lately because I have been afraid. Source: via Caroline on Pinterest The Universe speaks I must listen Hand written letters from readers I arrived home from Bright to a hand written…

And so he danced and knew who he was

…t, his muscles tight, his movements beautiful to watch. Source: via Ashley on Pinterest I could not wait to see him dance the next day at the real concert. Again I was captivated. It was not so much how he danced but the way he danced- like he was the only person in the room. His spirit poured out of him as he twirled and jumped. This is who I am. I could not take my eyes off him because I recognized purity- someone living who their…

Help us raise money for school girls in Africa: Do it in a dress

…ave a target of $1500. If we reach it, Craig will don the school dress and come with me. We will be paragliding on the 18th November in Bright, Victoria. You can follow along on the #brightdelight on twitter and instagram. So far we have raised $485, that is two girls now going to school in Africa. YES! I am excited and so grateful for those who donated. But, we are still far from our target with less than a week to go. I really thought we could g…

The one lie I’d like to get rid of

…ut me? How can I get rid of you for good? Source: via Alexandres on Pinterest I’ve followed the hype and been fooled by the promises. Still, it continues to linger and lie to the world about me. “You look tired. Are you not sleeping well?” Sometimes this is true, but rarely. “No I have always had dark circles. It’s my mother’s genes.” My dark circles, or bags, lie constantly about me. They say I’m tired, old and haggar…