Buying a cruising wardrobe from BIG W

…clothes for Savannah’s age group were in the one small section so I could easily whip around and pick out the clothes that I liked. They were easy to find and the bright colours jumped out at me straight away. I also had Kalyra on hand who loves dressing her sister and picked out a beautiful pink dress for her, perfect for those dinners that require a little bit of a spruced up look. I was able to buy a variety of clothes to suit our needs: smart…

Mojito Mother is revamping on a schedule

…ange and we should never label ourselves because who we are can change too easily, and we should let it. I’ve been sitting on what to do with Mojito Mother for a while. Just letting it simmer in the Universe as to how to evolve or ramp it up. I always had the idea of what I wanted to do, but just wasn’t doing it too well. I think it had to do with not having a plan or schedule. I’ve discovered lately from having deadlines over at Kidspot, I actual…

My Life is A Constant Blog Post

…ch moment in and wondering what is it for, what does it mean, how can I learn? I can’t really ever do anything without a question, a thought, or a lesson arising which easily lends itself to a blog post. It’s why I can never stop and don’t think I’ll ever run dry of posts. I receive comments all the time from people asking how I do it. Almost daily blog posts on two blogs, two newsletters, 2 podcasts and at least 3 guest posts/interviews a month….

Why did we really go to Thailand?

…smash through. I never worried about money a few years back and it flowed freely to me. And then I lost my sanity, made stupid decisions and blew my safe, investments. It has paralyzed me. I’m frustrated that my living conditions aren’t what I want and I am overly frustrated that the time I want to work on my business keeps getting taken away. I feel a lot of the time it is out of my hands, but I need to quit this excuse and work it out. The trav…

Why I am not a fan of instagram

…ave been vital for forming relationships, getting to know people within my community, and connecting with brands and companies I wish to work with. REAL value. I love these two tools and taking my break made me realize they are both very important to my business and I love hanging out on them. I am pretty strong and can control my usage of them and not allow it to take away my personal time and the experience of now. Unlike instagram. I dislike it…

Win some ME time with an Ultimate Republica Coffee break – worth $350

…icious fruity aroma and dark chocolate notes. I love the story behind this company as well. Jacqueliene Arias is the founder of Republica and the idea came from a visit to her home country, Colombia with her family. Columbia is known to have some of the best coffee in the world, except Jacqueline could not find a decent cup. She realized the great tasting beans were being exported to feed the coffee addictions in the Western World and the poor loc…

An accident and a Mother’s love

…so she can put dry clothes on you. Mummy doesn’t want you to be wet and uncomfortable. Come and have a look in your bag.” I pulled out her dry clothes to show her they were in there waiting for her in case anything happens. “Let’s get you changed now.” “Can we do it later? ” a nervous tremor. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. Mummy will change you in the car. Will that be better for you?” A gentle nod. As we walked out hand in hand, down the qui…