It’s time to get over the fear of aging

…f I let the lines tell the story then I will simply stop and spend my days searching for the next big elixir of life. Like the Queen in Snow White. We all know the hatred and jealousy that consumed her days. Did you see the bleakness that surrounded her? She missed out on life, on love, on joy. The lines tell the story Source: via Caz and Craig @yTravelBlog on Pinterest Last night I lay in my bed reading, I looked down at my hands….

7 Mum Truths- What’s yours? and create your own Mum Truth (it will take you 1 minute.) 2. Then come back here and paste the URL in the comments below so I can have a giggle and share it. If you create your own you can enter in a competition to win $2,000 or an Ipod mini. See prizes here   P.S It’s all funny when you joke about the smartphone in a Mum Truth, until they actually do break it. Thanks to Savannah for dropping mine on Saturday and smashing the screen rende…

How to get the holiday look right

…e. I’m so super impressed with the clothes and service that offers. I’ve been poking around there for the past few weeks sussing out how I can further feel comfortable and stylish on the road. The only problem is, is now I want to ditch Australia for exotic locations like the Maldives or the Mediterranean. I’m just hoping the warm weather picks up a little, so I can wear my stylish beach gear more! Disclaimer: As mentioned ab…

Making mistakes, gossip and having compassion

…never grow into who we were meant to be. It’s easy to sit in your zone of comfort and talk about the failures of others, those who dared to take a risk, but does this mean that because you didn’t lose or fail you won? Or that you are fulfilled and happy? Does not making mistakes mean you have perfected your life? Does not making mistakes, because of complacency, mean that you have the right to gossip about others? A friend recently went through a…

Making Changes – The Cycle of Life

…You see I was raised in a single parent household, and whilst it’s all too common now it wasn’t so much then. For me, I felt like a bit of an outcast, and the consequences were both emotional and financial. We always had a beaten down car, rented a home, and participating in extras like school excursions was only made possible with the support of the school = equal embarrassment for said child. When I think about how my mum ended up in this positi…

Fighting the Resistance to Change

…roducing fish and vegetables. I think I’ll cope better because I will feel freer. Leo Babauta from Zen Habits says that, “The urge to smoke, eat, procrastinate, or quit running … it will pass. It’s temporary. Usually it only lasts a minute or two. Breathe, and let it pass.” I’ve aware of my resistance and I have been practicing watching it and letting it pass. The urge does disappear and soon you’ll find yourself doing strange things like ignoring…

Dreaming of Orbs

…live from a higher place. Others believe it is the energy of those passed communicating with us. I have been working so much lately on improving my state of mind and to tap into the magic that I AM and as everyone else is. Surrounded by Orbs Source: via amanda on Pinterest I felt as if the Universe was sending me a message in my dreams to rid my mind of that nasty self-doubt. This stuff is real. Magic does exist and it really…