Meeting a Real Surfer Girl

…fell asleep in the pram upon arrival and so missed the beginning of the contest. But as soon as those eyes opened she popped out of the pram and wailed “I wanna see the surfer girls.” We were allowed in the VIP viewing area from the surf club deck so we took her up there where she could easily see the surfer girls ride the waves. She was really excited when they walked past and tried to wave to them from above. Surfer girls walk by “Would you like…

Thought of the Week: Win a Million Dollars and Quit your job?

…l Yeah, but I am constantly surprised by the number of times I hear people comment that they would be bored if they did not have their job. The majority of people have spent so long doing their job that they feel meaningless without it and would wander around aimlessly searching for something to do. Not me. I know exactly what I would do. I have a passion. I think when you have a passion, something you love doing every spare moment that you get, t…

I Can’t Wait to Have a Drink Again

for something as beautiful as bringing a child into the world, I can do it easily. But, I don’t really want to. I enjoy a drink. I don’t desperately hang out for one all the time and I can’t always be found with a drink in my hand. I enjoy more the experience that comes with the drink The dinner with friends, the wild conversations, the laughter, the god-awful attempts at imitating your favourite rock stars as you look like a frog desperately tryi…

When a Dream Comes True

with the struggle. No. Not this time you don’t. I will not allow you to become a monster in my life and take away from me that which I deserve. You will not steal from me my dreams. You won’t make the tears I’ve cried, the sleepless nights, the playing full out to all be for nothing. It has been for something. It has been for this. My dreams, my purpose, my life. This is what I want to do. This is what I can do and this is what I deserve to do. I…

Sadie Doll: The most precious doll for little girls

…ty and refined.” “A bit like Jemima, no Raggedy Ann, no…” I think it could easily be the next big craze, like cabbage patch dolls were. But Sadie is way prettier. It’s really beautifully made and has something about it that attracts your eye. Simple, elegant, cute. I’m not one for dolls. I hate playing Barbie schools with Kalyra, but she is a mad doll fan so we have hundreds of them. They are cold and plastic and lifeless and are all the same. Sad…

The Bamboo Buddha and Improving My Photography

…in my head I was thinking about the very simple explanations Beth gives on composition and light. My mind was running through scenarios such as depth of field and how I was going to match this up with shutter speed and ISO to find the perfect combination for the photo. I tell you it is hard work, but is worth it. While my photos are still not brilliant, I have made a giant step forward in having the confidence to move into the manual photography w…

The World is Full of Good People

…reams through to me daily through my twitter and facebook streams, my blog comments and emails. Strangers caring and wanting to help. This morning I took my girls to the supermarket as our cupboards were bare. The cashier ran over to help me as soon as I walked in the doors and guided me to the shopping trolleys with the baby seats. Savannah began screaming right when it was time to check out. I picked her up and began unpacking my trolley with he…