Getting back into exercise

…day off if my work load is just too much for me to cope with. There are always ways to adapt your life to fit exercise in. And you have to make an effort to get back into exercise and make it a priority. Your health is the pillar that everything — Update: About 10 minutes after I wrote this post I decided to stop with the excuses and get off the chair and do Tracy Anderson. I went straight to Level 2. I almost died during the dancing segment, my…

I love being a Travel Blogger

…e sacrifice of sleep, the investment of time and money, and the stretching way outside our comfort zones worthwhile. I’ve just returned from an amazing Media Launch of the new Qantas Great Crusade campaign— “The ultimate fan supporters tour” of New Zealand. An international competition, where by the winners get to tour New Zealand in convoy of 25 campervans, following the World cup Rugby games and enjoying the beautiful sights and expereinces on o…

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

…implement the action steps I need to follow to feel the fear and do it anyway. Make a Commitment and be Accountable It is so hard to back out of something when you have committed yourself to it. Don’t make the commitment solely to yourself. Sadly, it is to easy to quit when you do that. Make the commitment to someone else. Not only that make yourself accountable by blogging about it and sending out numerous tweets and facebook updates. Wouldn’t I…

Travel Blogging Presenter for Lady Bloggers Online Conference

…dia but could never find the time or resources to attend live events. This way they get all the benefits of a live event, at a much lower price, from the comfort of their living rooms and schedules. If you can’t make a live presentation you will receive a recorded version of it. I’d love to have you join my teleconference and that of the many other amazing women speaking. You will definitely learn a lot of useful information to help you walk on th…

Mojito Mother Year in Review and Thank You

…og. I just hope in my wrap up I have not forgotten any other wonderful people who have been an inspiration and help this year. Thank you so much to all my readers. I appreciate your comments, feedback, shares and silent support, for those who don’t feel comfortable in commenting. I know you are there and I thank you. I’m looking forward to a bigger 2012 and am working on some goals and direction for Mojito Mother. Please let me know if there is an…

Do you need fixing?

…s the moment I stopped trying to fix me and was healed. The problems still come but now I embrace them. I can handle them. I know it is not just me, it is just life. I don’t need to fit in, I don’t need to always say the right things, and sometimes I say really wrong things. I don’t need to make all the right decisions, I don’t need to be loved by everyone and it’s okay to be hated by many. All I need to do is be me. There are no drugs, no bottles…

Gratitude and Happiness- The things I love this week

…l it is to be a mum despite the challenges. Why are travel bloggers so nasty to each other? by Toni from Reclaiming my Future. This could be written about Mummy blogs too and any industry or niche really. I don’t understand why people can be so mean, but I wish it would stop. Always come from the place of kindness. Makes you feel better anyway Bring on the Olympics I’m raising Children by Martine from the Modern Parent. Parents we are all Olympian…