Gratitude, Happiness and things I’m loving

…the floor, wobbled a bit, took a couple of tentative steps, grinned at her success and then started running. Love those baby blues! Giving away $2,000 I’m so in love with my JOB. I get to do really cool things like choose the winner of a photo contest ran by Cover-More insurance and give them a $2,000 prize!! I love helping people travel more. We met Dan on Friday night to give him his cheque at the Cover-More office and then he and a couple of ou…

How to overcome post Problogger Conference blues and struggles

…from post-holiday blues, my post: Dealing with Reverse Culture Shock and 7 ways to overcome post-holiday blues may help.) 3. I am overwhelmed I have a pile that goes up to the roof of ideas, an even bigger one of pressing deadlines, both of which dwarf my pile of available time. One of my biggest problems in life is that I am a big picture person. I see the end goal, the vision and I know how great it will be, but I struggle with details. I am no…

Mother’s Day for Me

…it into something more. The greatest gift my Mum has ever given me was the freedom to allow me to live my life the way I choose. She has never made me feel bad for jumping on the plane to go overseas and rarely returning. “Of course I would love to have you around, but you have to do what makes you happy. It’s your life.” I appreciate that more than she’ll ever know. I hope that part of my promise to be Kalyra’s Mummy and do what she trusts me to…

Separating your spiritual self from your human experience

…order to look at yourself through your spiritual eyes? I think the fastest way to do it, well really the only way, is by bringing awareness into everything you do. Be mindful of your thoughts, your words, your feelings your actions. Watch them. When you watch your thoughts then you are not your thoughts, merely an observer of them. You can evaluate: Why am I reacting in this way? Why am I thinking like this? What do I have to learn? Instead of bei…

7 Reasons why Pregnancy is Harder the Second Time

…ig age difference, but in terms of pregnancy it is massive. To me it is anyway. I’m a little bit more settled in my ways and so often find the pregnancy can get in the way of things. I really don’t mean for that to sound as bad as it does, but these are mental issues one has to overcome when having a baby at a slightly older age. Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, my body is not as young as it used to be and so feels things more. I’m not as heal…

Simple Meditation Tips for Beginners

…, CD player, pillows and anything else that will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. Get Comfortable Wear something cozy when doing your meditation. You need to be comfortable. You don’t want to wear anything too loose or tight and it must suit the climate. The less outside distractions the better it will for you to find the quietness within. Sit in whatever fashion is most comfortable for you. You want to avoid lying down as it’s too easy to f…

What is the ROI of Social Media?

…s any ideas). In fact, tell me in the comments, what do you do when the TV commercials come on? Same goes for radio. And for print? Oh you mean all that noise that I glance right over, the noise of someone yet again trying to push something on to me. Blah I just turn to the Sudoku page and throw the rest out. How can you ever know how many people are paying attention to the ads, let alone acting upon it? You can’t. Period. It’s just guessing. Gues…