Happy 2013: what is your focus?

…up the mess and the stress, and embrace money again. Multiple streams of income Everyone should always be focused on creating multiple streams of income, just in case something goes wrong, you have a back up flow of money. We are focused on bringing in multiple streams of income for our blogs based upon advertising, freelance content creation, own products, campaigns, and ambassador style projects.(You can hire me!) Now that we have our financial…

Craig – The Mojito Man

…n. Carpenter, slowly extracting himself from the physical demands of the job. That combined with years of football abuse sees him having many visits to the chiropractor and Bowen Therapy specialist. On the travel trail Of course a lover of travel. Always looking for ways to travel more and more. He wouldn’t usually drink mojitos. He’s more of a beer man, and the occasional red wine, and usually at the same time. Sign Up To Get My FREE exciting mon…

Byron Bay Bluesfest: Messages from the Artists

…this year. Xavier Rudd: Freedom and respecting our Tribal Wisdom Let me be Free “Let me Be Free” is one of my favourite Xavier Rudd songs and you could tell by the crowd dancing and singing along that it was one of theirs as well. Xavier always speaks to this one inherent value that we all crave and once achieve would do anything not to lose. The freedom to be who we want to be and live the lives we want to live. For me, there is nothing I value o…

Dressed for a road trip

…he cute hat Minnamurra Rainforest Kiama Hugging trees Love in the forest Always a big sister Always a little sister stealing big sister’s clothes Charlie and Me Outfits Kalyra Peach cottonfrill sundress: $19.50 Savannah Hibiscus spotted romper: $18.50 Striped hat: $12.50 Time for bed Look at Kalyra’s scraped face- playground accident! Monkeying with mum The matching of the dummy was not done on purpose   Charlie and me pyjamas: $19.50 each These a…

2 healthy and delicious Peanut Butter breakfast recipes

…eated oven at 350F and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. (this is my preferred option) Microwave option: Place in the microwave and cook for 2.5 minutes. You’ll know when it’s done when it rises slightly, is harder to the touch, and pulls away from the sides of the dish. Don’t bake it too long, or you’ll have a chocolate Frisbee! Allow to rest for 1 minute before tipping over onto a plate Smother it with peanut b…

Filling a void or soul nourishment?

…long term happiness as it helps me feel like I am contributing, and takes away the misery that comes with doing what I dislike and am not good at. It will also free up my time to spend more with my family and pursue other interests like healthy eating and exercise + it offers me the opportunity to help the person working for me to achieve their money goal. Therefore the money I want for this makes me feel good. If I focus on those enriching feelin…

Empowering Quotes and Phrases

…o be done. If they can do it then why not me? I love learning about others success and following successful people. The not only teach me and inspire me, but they show me what is possible for myself. If they could do it, then why not me? I have the same potential and opportunities available as them. If they were able to grab them and do something with them, then there is no reason I could not do the same. I can always learn and try We have all hea…