Unbelievable value: Coles Comfy Bots Nappies and giveaway

…rown waste each day scrubbing with nappy san, there is no way to avoid the cost. But you can reduce the cost of buying nappies with sensible choices. I feel like I have just received nappy enlightenment. I have always bought Huggies nappies (and am now kicking myself for being so fearful of nappy leaks) I don’t even know why, perhaps good marketing or listening to horror stories from other mothers about the dreaded poo escapes. Huggies are great,…

How can we do this to our bodies?

…t.” We aim to heal the underlying blockages so you can live a normal, pain free life. Fiona did her muscle testing questions to work out the best therapy for me. I totally am in love and in awe with the way Fiona works out the best way to work with me. It’s mind-blowing, magical goodness. She relies on muscle testing and intuition. I know most people would think this is woo woo bullshit, but for me I’m a believer and on my healing path that is all…

Mojo Magic Tips: Open your eyes to the mojo magic?

…offbeat word from a friend. A small spark. Open your eyes Source: photoble.com via Chris on Pinterest This is magic. When you open your eyes to the magic you will see it everywhere. And when you see it everywhere you will start to create it yourself. The creation begets excitement which begets more magic. For example last week I wrote a lost of 10 of my deepest desires. I put my magic creation muscle to the test to bring them to life (more about t…

The I Have No Time excuse and what to do about it

…o spend time evaluating how you use your 24 hours every day. You need to become a master of time. There are so many distractions in our daily life, you must be very aware of what is happening in your life and how you can become efficient and focused. I have no time Here are a couple of tips to follow: 1. Essentials only policy: In those moments of the day when you have a fairly large chunk of uninterrupted time you must only work on those essentia…

Open the Mucking Door

…mucking door!” Kalyra pounded on the door, hoping her words of magic would open it. We had been sitting outside in the chilly wind, waiting for someone to come home so we could be let inside. Craig had taken my car keys to work with the house key on it and I was left stranded. “What did you just say?” “Open the mucking door!” she replied. The mucking door? Is she trying to say what I think she’s trying to say? “Mucking door? What does mucking mean…

Want free accommodation? Win a Hilton Stay

…taken to measures like attending Time Share presentations, just to get the free accommodation. Thank you Turkey, Florida, Charleston and a couple more! Hilton HHonors the rewards program attached to the Hilton chain of hotels has given us 100,000 reward points to give away. What this means is you can choose how to use those rewards for accommodation stays anywhere you please. You could go all out and use all the points for 2 nights at their flashi…

The I Quit Sugar Diet and eBook

…ning juice. I’m trying a few new recipes. I failed miserably with a gluten free, sugar free pancake. (I am a pretty lousy cook) But, I rocked the house with this one and has to be one of the yummiest lunches I have had in a while. Simple: gluten-free buckwheat crackers, avocado spread, haloumi cooked on the grill with sardines on top. My obsession with coconut continues and last night I roasted vegetables in coconut oil, which were simply orgasmic…