Sacred Step 3: Follow the voice to the opportunities

…it so badly you can’t sleep, and then just doing whatever it takes. It’s just following the nudges and stepping into them as fearlessly as you can. You’ll see in my upcoming book Step into your Sacredness: 12 principles for creating the life your soul yearns for, I don’t believe in luck. Our success came because our commitment and opening up the space for the dream to align with reality. Commit and prepare yourself for the luck. When you do that U…

I don’t want Kalyra to have a job

…he loves merry-go-rounds If you follow your passions in life then things always work in your favour. This is all part of the mojo magic. Ask any successful person and they will say the number one factor contributing to their success was that they were following their passions and loving what they do. I don’t want Kalyra to be hunting down jobs just to get money so she can exist. This makes me panic. The money that flows into her life has to come a…

Feel Good Friday

…with the new camera Feeling Good I had lots of guest posts and interviews come out around the Internet this week. It always feels great to write for other sites and meet new people through the process. I love writing about success and mindset, so my favourite one this week was on Problogger “Ditch the Job Mentality and Develop and Entrepreneurial Mindset” and for a travel story My favourite Travel Memory Rafting the Nile. Room For Improvement SEO…

What’s Your Biggest Regret?

…o it. My excuse was that Lonely Planet had the market and how could I ever compete with that? Who would ever want to read my stories anyway? It took me until 2010 before I got my act together and started y Travel Blog, and look how quickly we had success. If only I started it back in 2007, I can only imagine, with pain, just where we would be sitting now. Hardly anyone was travel blogging back then. All we can do is learn. I’ve learned now that th…

Press/ Media

…k 40 Smart Social Media Status Updates to make Fans Fall in Love with Your company with examples of how we engage our facebook community. Featured along with other massive companies like Google, Starbucks, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Smug Mug, Zappos, Target and more… Featured as an interview in the women’s Guide book on Thailand Rankings Kidspot Top 50 Australian bloggers for 2011 sponsored by Ford Click here to partner or advertise with Mojito Mother…

What do You Want?

…e have to do with day to day parenting issues as well as some things about success and mindset. A bit of travel thrown in and commentary on blogging. What do you find most worthwhile? What would you like to see more of/ less of? What else could I do that I don’t already? Don’t forget I have a newsletter, podcast and fan page which you can also tell me what you would like to see more of through those channels. As one of our favourite sayings is Hel…

Hair Romance

…Conference, I heard a blogger, Christina, talk on a panel about her blog’s success. Hair Romance I couldn’t imagine how you could keep up a blog on hair. What could you possibly continually write about? Christina does it and with class. I think she just might be able to help me perfect some locks and have me fall in love with hair. Like I have this morning. Just goes to show you really can blog about anything, especially how good or crappy your ha…