Time to see the beauty underneath

…e is in the core that we don’t know or pay attention to? Underneath all of our outer coverings and weedy faults lies a perfect beauty replicating the purity of where we come from. Turn inward a little more to find it and crack it open for the whole world to gaze at in wonderment….

Starting the Day the Right Way

…No matter what is going on in my life or what I have to do that day, upon opening my eyes, I would smile and welcome the day in with gratitude. What a beautiful morning I would exclaim, “I can’t wait to see what amazing things this day is going to bring today.” When you start your day like this you are more likely to see the amazing things that are going on in your life, no matter how small. The air tastes and feels different- alive and nutritiou…

The importance of self awareness

…e the life their soul yearns for and I know money will help them either by freeing up their time, bringing more opportunities, or giving them the tools they need to do it. What I am learning works. So, I’m offering wisdom to others as a result. If readers think I am shallow and lost my way so be it. That is their limiting money belief to work through. I know how I am nourishing my soul and how it can help others too. The more I have the more I can…

Money Project update

…think that’s a huge challenge of having your own business. You have to get comfortable with the fact that the incoming flow of money is never consistent. One month may rock it, the next may be okay, and then one month not so good. I’m super aware of how much I used to sabotage myself. My belief has always been it won’t happen to me, so in a way to cushion the disappointment and pain, I sabotage myself. Crazy crazy world. This month I’m working on…

Kalyras Travel Bucket List

…nother name for that?” Oh My God, is she kidding? Peals of laughter ripped open on my inside. “Umm the Land Down Under?” “I’m sorry ma’am I don’t know where that is. “You know where the kangaroos and koalas live.” “Well, I don’t know. How do you spell that ma’am?” Okay so this is probably not a normal conversation, but geez did it make me sure glad of my global education and the fact that Kalyra already knew where Australia, America and Fiji was….

Sacred Step 3: Follow the voice to the opportunities

…just doing whatever it takes. It’s just following the nudges and stepping into them as fearlessly as you can. You’ll see in my upcoming book Step into your Sacredness: 12 principles for creating the life your soul yearns for, I don’t believe in luck. Our success came because our commitment and opening up the space for the dream to align with reality. Commit and prepare yourself for the luck. When you do that Universal magic steps into meet you an…

Finding nourishment for my soul

…ce that has been in my travel dreams and my longing for peace, simplicity, freedom, and beauty. We have a cottage with a rose garden and a swinging hammock between the giant trees. The Universe is so magical. All I have envisioned since deciding to go on this trip is a simple life of me swinging in a hammock under trees. I relished in my 10 minutes of peace swinging in the afternoon, gazing up at the branches spreading their energetic love. Joy. T…