Decluttering- Clearing up the Energy Zones

…ange is as good as a holiday This is my favourite sayings and one I have always used in order to embrace change. Change is a great thing. Wth change comes new experiences and emotions, fresh energy and beginnnings. Decluttering changes your environment so you feel as if you have a new place all over again. That makes you feel vibrant and alive, not dead and stale. Energy Goes where attention Flows Every felt like you just can’t think when you are…

A Bizarre Meditation Experience

…now now that when I start to self-doubt now and think it’s not going to happen to me, my mind instantly shouts “Turn your head forward into the light.” And I feel so much more assured and relaxed. Time will only tell if the opportunities come my way now. And if they do, then I am sure we could pass it off as co-incidence. I’d rather believe in the magic. I’d rather believe in the power I hold to work through my problems and heal myself. Imagine th…

10 things I love about my 10 year marriage

…behaves). This might not seem so exciting to some, but Craig and I have always loved hiking and exploring with our feet. We don’t get to do much of it anymore with the girls. I can’t wait. We are going to stop at cafes along the way, for coffee and lunch. It will be so relaxing. 10 years ago today To celebrate, in no particular order, are 10 things I love about my marriage 1. I’m married to a ridiculously good looking man who I thought would neve…

Truly, madly and deeply: What I’d do for a Tim Tam?

…ould be less for me to scoff myself with. Tim Tam Memories Tim Tams have always had great memories for me. When I was little my Nanna would come around for dinner once a week. I would eagerly await her shuffle to our front door because I knew inside her bag contained the chocolaty goodness I was truly madly and deeply in love with. I would smear whipped cream over the top and eat them one after the other until my mother pried them away from me. Li…

Craig is in The House

…ing my sole about personal stuff on a woman’s blog to a female audience is WAY out of my comfort zone. It’s friggin SCARY! My comfort zone is travel To be honest, I’m not even sure who reads this blog but there are probably some people who I would rather not know some things about me. And, I’m naturally shy, particularly when I’m out of my depth and talking about deep and meaningful stuff. Shyness is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. I…

Half the Sky: 3 ways to help empower women around the world

…issues. I’m going to put the energy out their to attract the right thought patterns into my life to find ways to most effectively use my voice to do this. I hope you’ll join me today in doing any one of these three things, or all of them to help empower women around the world and change it for the better. We can do this because we are powerful beyond measure. Let me know in the comments below how you have become more empowered in your life and how…

Amazement family fun captured on video

…d imaginative little girl. She understands a little of what we do and is always grabbing her camera to take photos, grabbing our camera to vlog herself, or coming up with creative additions to our video. Like this one. She suggested for the intro to our Amazement video that she jump up and say “This is Amazing!” We had to take several takes before we got it right, but she was patient and each time improved a little more with her confidence and rem…