The Autumn Air is Here

…sgiving, which I think is a way better holiday than Christmas. There is no commercial and materialistic crap that comes with Thanksgiving. It is purely about being grateful for what you have in life and taking time to spend with those you are thankful for. You eat way too much, and probably drink the same, you watch football, talk and laugh. Thanksgiving is also the time for pumpkin pie, one of my favourite deserts of all time. Before you know it…

The Magic of the Universe

…imple things– and then the more magic that happens in your life. With eyes open, you start to see how everything is connected and how it is all bringing you to the perfect place. Believing in the magic of the Universe helps me to stay focused, to trust, and to believe. And it allows me to sit back and enjoy the ride of life. Here is where you’ll find my best posts written to share the magic and help you find ways to see it more and so create a mor…

Does this Mean I am healed?

A strange thing happened this week. I opened up a web browser and began searching for properties I would like to buy. I did this not just with curiosity but with enthusiasm. Not only that, but I spoke to Craig about buying property again with confidence and excitement and eyes open to opportunity. Eyes that have been reborn with wisdom and clarity and purpose. It has been several years since my desire for property investing has been present. It w…

3 Steps to Using Your Mojo to Create Magic

…then take the action. The letting go means you no longer wonder when it is coming or how it is going to arrive, you just become the dream. So if it is a writer that I want to be then I will be that writer. Even though the commissions aren’t yet rolling in, in my mind I am the commissioned writer already. Everyday I take the steps that show my belief. I learn what I need to learn, I get up every day and write and perfect my craft. I research the ma…

This is Why I love Queensland

…er, but really what did that matter, because usually at that time you were coming home from work collapsing on the couch, or preparing dinner. Rarely could you get out and enjoy the extra evening hour of sunlight anyway. I am a morning person so I love this Queensland way. Excited by the prospect of my day now I decided to get up and go for a beach run. Perfect place to run The lazy side of me protested, but the part of me that knew how alive and

Our Children Choose Us

…parents. It is wonderful to hear that other people think the same way. Her comment was in relation to the upcoming birth of our new daughter Isn’t she clever- choosing parents that will love her. Craig and I also believe that our children choose us, just as we choose our own parents. If this is true or not none of us will ever know, but this is why I love thinking like this. It Holds me accountable Believing that my children choose me to be their…

Oh the Lies: She Slept like a Baby!

…not get her to go to sleep, or if by some miracle she did, then eyes would come flying open twenty minutes later. I got sick of crawling around the floor like a cat burglar so as to make sure my knees wouldn’t crack and wake her back up again. Any noise would have me seize up in an anxiety attack that it would WAKE THE BABY, who was really not sleeping like one, or who in reality, was. Not sleeping. The baby whisperer became my infatuation, “Look,…