If You Don’t Laugh You Cry

…to stay here and do not want to return back from where I came. How I can accomplish this now becomes my question. We really had an inspiring and wonderful time at the Bluesfest. But I was really disappointed and a little miffed, that upon arrival we were told it would be highly unlikely that we would receive a personal interview with the musicians. This was by the same publicist who asked us to send in our interview request forms weeks prior to th…

7 Reasons why Pregnancy is Harder the Second Time

…hat to sound as bad as it does, but these are mental issues one has to overcome when having a baby at a slightly older age. Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, my body is not as young as it used to be and so feels things more. I’m not as healthy and fit This is totally my fault. I have found staying on top of health and fitness that much harder once I became a mum. So much of my free time got swallowed up, so I sacrificed my health as a result. B…

Making Money off your Blog

…e. Let me know when it’s published and I’ll tweet it for you” What is that company going to say? Would I get a reply? Why do these companies think it works that way for bloggers? Do they think that for the past 14 months I have existed on barely any sleep, that I have given up a life to use every spare minute on my blog, that I put myself out there every day and expose myself in ways that are extremely uncomfortable to build my platform and presen…

Thought of the Week: Where would you move to?

…d mental time to spend with my children and my husband. Total joy! That is what I call living. Have you signed up to my bi-monthly newsletter yet? and received your two free ebooks “5 Guiding Principles to Success” and “20 lessons Travel taught me about living an empowered life.”…

Guest Blogging Guidelines

…tors to see how you write for, or are featured in, other publications. 2. Gives a trackback to the piece you are linking to. All blog owners love receiving trackbacks, as it shows them people are appreciating their work. It also puts another comment style link to your blog on that specific post. Make sure you reply to any comments that others leave on your guest blog post. This lets them know you appreciate them and are interested in what they hav…

8 Things I love This Week

…a lot. It was big and bulky and difficult to put up. This is lightweight, compact and I put it up in two seconds. I love the feel of the material and just how cute and cosy it is. Can’t wait to travel with it. And of course there is the softness of the miracle carrier. I used a baby sling with Kalyra. I loved being hands free, but found it a little bulky and awkward. I was always terrified she was going to fall out of it. I can’t wait to give thi…

9 Things I Love This Week

…d have one for the UK, France and Germany. Get me to Bordeaux please! Chakra Re-balancing I have felt like a new woman since having my chakra re-balancing done. Actually, I have felt like my old self. It is amazing how free and relaxed I feel. All my worries have melted into the background and I feel bizarre that I even worried about them in the first place. Kalyra’s Talk Kalyra: Mummy can you just hurry up and bring the baby….