The Autumn Air is Here

…sgiving, which I think is a way better holiday than Christmas. There is no commercial and materialistic crap that comes with Thanksgiving. It is purely about being grateful for what you have in life and taking time to spend with those you are thankful for. You eat way too much, and probably drink the same, you watch football, talk and laugh. Thanksgiving is also the time for pumpkin pie, one of my favourite deserts of all time. Before you know it…

Keep Your Opinions to Yourself

…title) I am completely burning up inside and writing for me can be a good way to release that. If I end up coming out with something of value other than a good old rant then I will publish. What is it that makes people think they have a right to comment on the choices and life of other people? Do they think they are perfect, and this perfection entitles them to do so? And that there way of thinking is the best and only way and anyone who doesn’t…

Drinking Tea is one of my Favourite Things to Do

…go well together Tea with strangers Dali China I don’t drink tea any other way now. People always remark to me “You drink the tea with the leaves still in it?” “Of course, it is the only way to drink it. That is how they drink it in China. Tastes way better.” Of course, whether it tastes better or not is still undecided, but it is more the experience I am tasting if I leave the leaves inside. Japanese Gardens San Francisco How could a tea not suit…

A Fuschia Pink Dress

…h money and too much hassle to get myself all prettied up and to stay that way. I often feel great trepidation when it comes to going out for a girly day or night out, because I never feel pretty enough. I never have the clothes to wear or the know how to make my hair and make up all beautiful and stylish. My sister in law hen’s day was coming up and it was a day at the races. I had no idea how I was going to muster up the style that is required f…

Balancing Family and Blogging

…t thing about balancing blogging and life is getting out of the house and away from the computer and knowing when you’ve had enough – for me that means walking mostly, often I am with my camera, sometimes with a friend and usually it involves coffee….times when I am not blogging are, in fact, the times that feed my creativity and ideas and often what gives me my next blog post.   I’m forever trying to find that work/home balanceso my family don’t…

What’s been really going on with me

…ll unaware of what the cause really was. I was not convinced. There was no way my body was reacting in this way because of constipation. I kept bringing up cancer, he kept looking at me like I was a hypochondriac nut case. I took the clearing pills he gave me, my side-effects didn’t disappear. The doctor said there was not much else he could do and so referred me to the specialist. He said it was possible I had coeliac and so would need to be test…

How to analyse your dreams

…age it. So now instead of feeling a sense of impending doom and fear about my dream, I actually feel at ease and excited. I am doing the right thing. My path is very clear, strong and intended, it’s leading me to the right place and the Universe is assisting me. No matter what comes my way, I know that I can handle it and I accept it How did I know this was the right dream interpretation? Because I felt it in my body. There was no discomfort or fe…