10 things I love about my 10 year marriage

…ways loved about our marriage- travel and adventure. We are having a child-free evening in Sydney, and will spend the day walking around Sydney Harbour (if the weather behaves). This might not seem so exciting to some, but Craig and I have always loved hiking and exploring with our feet. We don’t get to do much of it anymore with the girls. I can’t wait. We are going to stop at cafes along the way, for coffee and lunch. It will be so relaxing. 10…

Truly, madly and deeply: What I’d do for a Tim Tam?

…d grasp, and groups of running friends grabbed several of them on the fly, completely rendering their workout useless. Tim Tam sharing the passion It is Australia’s most irresistible chocolate biscuit and Australian’s will do anything to get one, especially if it’s free. What would you do for a Tim Tam? Crowds gathered around the main Tim Tam tree that had whole packets and lanterns with fan’s names on them. A tree nymph instructed the hordes to o…

You can be happy even when your life is shitty

…is what the idea of constant happiness conveys, or the notion of a problem free life. Perfection doesn’t exist. Being flawed is part of the human experience, otherwise we would have nowhere to move to. Underneath our human self, however, does lie perfection. It’s that thing we see when a sunflower follows the vivid orange sun to bed. We have that perfect side to us, but our humanity flaws it. The trick to life is learning how you can remove yourse…

Changing yourself for the better: most people don’t want to change

…ed what our twenty year old one would do. Our twenty year one would have a completely different skin cell structure and would look nothing like our baby self- maybe a glimpse here and there. But it would be perfectly designed to deal with our adult lives. If we held on to our baby body we couldn’t progress. We couldn’t get stronger, we couldn’t get wiser, we would not evolve and we would die. So why do we hold onto our inner selves and stories in…

The Metamorphosis Update- Week 2- 3

…p with eating well. My healthy meals: Morrocan spiced fish and quinoa I am combining the basic principles of the diet, with some of the recipes, and with what I learned about eating from Dr. Tickell. I am being super conscious to make better choices when eating out and I’m drinking far less coffee. So I’d say I’m still making positive progress. The main diet principles I am working on are: Cutting out dairy, wheat and sugar. The only times I strug…

Craig is in The House

…out personal stuff on a woman’s blog to a female audience is WAY out of my comfort zone. It’s friggin SCARY! My comfort zone is travel To be honest, I’m not even sure who reads this blog but there are probably some people who I would rather not know some things about me. And, I’m naturally shy, particularly when I’m out of my depth and talking about deep and meaningful stuff. Shyness is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. I get uncomforta…

Happy Birthday my angel Savannah

…her life. She becomes entranced and mesmerized when watching cultural shows we visit on our travels and adores animals. She freaks out at first bring her face in your chest, but then bravery wins out and she waves her hand to go pat. Mesmerised in Vanuatu She is a great communicator. I understand what she is saying through her hand gestures and bird-like noises. The greatest thing of all is that she is a real Mummy’s girl!! Yes! Her smile and cud…